Author: Jeff Shuey

Jeff is an expert in the Enterprise Content Management industry. He brings over 20 years of Channel Sales, Partner Marketing and Alliance expertise to audiences around the world in speaking engagements and via his writing. He has worked for Microsoft, Kodak, and K2. He is currently consulting with Microsoft and partners to drive Community Engagement and Alliances. Follow him on Twitter @jshuey or on LinkedIn: in/JeffShuey
InterviewJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

How Not to Stick Out Like A Sore Thumb


Too often we hear terms in meetings that we don’t understand. Yet, too embarrassed to ask for clarification. Sometimes its okay to stick out like a sore thumb. 

Sometimes these are terms that are mentioned by colleagues, managers, vendors and even customers.  Not knowing these terms and the context for using them can risk …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryInterviewLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

Learning to Ask Questions Like a Contrarian

Looking for the other side of the story may not always be easy or fashionable. However, sometimes looking for the other side of the story can lead to breakthroughs and insights that may have otherwise been overlooked. Taking a look at the opposite side of something is one aspect of taking a contrarian point of …