Author: Devin C Hughes

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

A Few More Thoughts For The Aspiring Entrepreneur

This series began with last week’s post.

Your comfort zone will be one of your biggest obstacles.  In order to be wildly successful, you have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

7.     Quality appointments with real prospects take place within the next 30 days. Anything beyond that isn’t really a scheduled appointment.  It’s a hope.  Actually, …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

A Few Thoughts For The Aspiring Entrepreneur

1. Thou shalt not covet specific customers. Too many entrepreneurs get fixed on winning specific accounts that they become emotionally attached.   You pin all of your hopes, dreams and company on that…one…special prospect.  Here’s a tip I learned the hard way: don’t. Think instead about the overall quality of your sales funnel and your business …