Relationships & Personal Growth

8 things a manipulator does when they realize they’re losing control over you

As someone who’s observed human behavior for years, I can tell you there’s a vast difference between a charismatic influencer and a cunning manipulator.

You see, when a manipulator begins to lose their grip, they don’t bow out gracefully. Instead, they resort to certain tricks in a desperate bid to regain control.

In my work …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

8 things high-achievers usually do after 7pm, says a psychologist

When the clock strikes 7, most of us are ready to kick back and relax. But for high-achievers? It’s a different story.

According to a psychologist, these go-getters have an entirely different approach to their post-work hours.

And it makes sense – success doesn’t come from what you do in your downtime, right?

Well, this …

Relationships & Personal Growth

9 habits you can start now that your future self will thank you for according to psychology

As individuals, it’s crucial we prioritize self-improvement, personal growth and our overall well-being. These goals are often achieved through cultivating good habits.

Good habits are the building blocks of a satisfying, fulfilling life. They can shape our future, assure our success and positively impact our mental health.

Psychology offers a multitude of insights into habit …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

If someone is falling in love with you, they’ll usually display these 10 subtle actions, according to psychology

Reading the signs of love can be a little tricky, especially when they’re subtle.

The world of love and attraction isn’t as clear-cut as we’d like it to be. It’s not always about grand gestures and dramatic pronouncements.

Sometimes, the signs of someone falling in love are quiet. They’re subtle actions that speak volumes about …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

If you want your partner to stay attracted to you in the long-run, say goodbye to these 8 behaviors

There’s a stark contrast between being a magnet for your partner’s affection and being a repellent.

It all boils down to habit. Certain behaviors can turn off the switch of attraction quicker than a light bulb, no matter how deeply in love your partner is with you.

Hi, I’m Tina Fey, the heart and soul …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

10 unspoken rules classy people live by, according to psychology

There’s a clear distinction between being merely well-dressed and truly classy.

Class isn’t just about what you wear or how you appear; it’s about how you behave, how you treat others, and how you carry yourself in various situations.

Being classy is more about following certain unspoken rules – a code of conduct if you …

Relationships & Personal Growth

People who still radiate youthful energy in their 60s and beyond usually adopt these 7 daily habits

Have you ever met those vibrant individuals in their 60s and beyond who seem to have an endless supply of energy, as if they’ve somehow discovered the fountain of youth?

You know, the ones who continue to travel, play sports, and pursue new hobbies with a zest that could easily rival any twenty-something’s?

Well, there’s …

Confidence & AppearanceRelationships & Personal Growth

8 signs your man loves you with all their heart, according to psychology

Understanding if your man truly loves you with all his heart can be a tricky puzzle to solve.

As Tina Fey, the founder of the Love Connection blog and a relationship expert, I’ve spent years decoding the telltale signs of love. According to psychology, there are some clear indicators that can help you decipher this …

Relationships & Personal Growth

People who disown friends or family as they get older usually display these 7 specific traits

Growing up, we’re often told that family and friends are forever. But sometimes, people choose to disown their loved ones as they get older.

This is a harsh reality and it does not happen without reason.

People who make this choice are usually marked by certain specific traits. These traits are not always negative – …