Confidence & Appearance

If you can’t remember the last time you felt good about your body, say goodbye to these 7 habits

Feeling good about your body isn’t about looking perfect, it’s about feeling content, confident and comfortable in your own skin.

And trust me, as the founder of Love Connection blog, I have seen countless people struggle with body image.

In fact, it’s a battle I’ve personally faced too.

But let’s be real here.

If you’re …


Man questions if he’s wrong for evicting his disabled mother from his home due to her harsh rejection of his gay relationship

It’s a challenging reality that not all parents are accepting of their children’s identities. In an ideal world, love and acceptance would be unconditional, but often, personal biases and prejudices can tarnish familial bonds. This is particularly true when it comes to LGBTQ+ acceptance, with many individuals facing rejection from the very people who should …

Confidence & Appearance

People who use the line “it’s not you, it’s me” during breakups typically display these 8 behaviors, says psychology

For years, I’ve heard the phrase “it’s not you, it’s me” thrown around in breakups, movies, and pop songs.

I used to think it was a cliché, a cop-out designed to soften the blow of rejection.

But as I delved deeper into psychology, I began to see patterns in the people who used this line.…


Woman bans kids from visiting in-laws after discovering they’re secretly forcing their religion on them

It’s natural to want your children to be exposed to various cultures, traditions and beliefs. However, it becomes problematic when someone tries to forcefully impose their religious beliefs on your kids, especially when done behind your back.

A woman recently shared on Reddit about her predicament where she had to ban her kids from visiting …