As you all probably know already, I’m highly connected on the career front. Recently, I crossed paths with the Bonnie and Clyde of the career world. Bonnie and Clyde were notorious outlaws, robbers and criminals during the great depression. Back then, they were publicity superstars, appearing just about everywhere. J.T. O’Donnell and Dale Dauten, may not be criminals, but they are journalists who appear just about everywhere as well.
Bonnie (J.T.)
J.T. stands for Jeanine Tanner and not some guy’s nickname (I made this mistake at first, which she thought was humorous). She is a career coach and workplace consultant who helps American workers find greater professional satisfaction. She works with companies and individuals alike, so she understands how the workforce is changing from hearing their stories. Her work has appeared in the USA Today, The Boston Globe, New York Times, and much more. Her book, CAREEREALISM: The Smart Approach to a Satisfying Career, just came out and you should pick up a copy at your convenience.
Clyde (Dale)
Dale is a force to be reckoned with in traditional media. He is also the author of more books than you can count on one hand. This of course is false if you have six or more fingers. Dale is an authority on innovation in the workplace (my kind of guy). His latest book, Great Employees Only: How Gifted Bossess Hire & Dehire Their Way to Success, is about helping managers do staffing right, and hiring the right employees that will feel appreciated, valued and motivated. He’s one multiple awards and he now writes a column for the Boston Globe.
Bonnie and Clyde Come Together
J.T. and Dale have joined their superpowers together to fight the never-ending battle of helping people with their careers. They created “J.T. & Dale Talk Jobs” which is a nationally syndicated career advice column by King Features that appears weekly in more than 100 US newspapers. They answer people’s questions and we can all learn a lot from their experiences.