Forbes, Reuters, Hoovers, and Guy Kawasaki Endorse Personal Branding Blog

I quickly wanted to share a few achievements I’ve had recently concerning this blog. Every time I post here, the blog will magically be syndicated across some very high profile and credible media websites. This is great for anyone I write about, as well as the magazine, TV show, awards and everything else I do to support the personal branding community. It also goes to show what you can accomplish in a single year by blogging. I hope to inspire you as we conquer the world together.

Here is an explaintation of each source:

  • Guy Kawasaki: First, I would like to mention that Guy Kawasaki invited me to be on his Career AllTop page, with 90 other career websites, such as Tim Ferris, Lindsey Pollak and Penelope Trunk. If you’ve been following my career, namely Personal Branding Magazine, you would know that Guy interviewed Donald Trump for the first issue. We have maintained the relationships and now I fully support his new venture.
  • Hoovers: Hoovers offers company information with detailed business reports and industry profiles. They also syndicate my blog, but are more tied to providing branding information for companies, than people (they do list salaries and titles of executives though).
  • Reuters: This one was actually a surprise to me. I woke up and got a pool of traffic from their website, which is a very trusted source for the latest news from around the world, especially in business, politics and technology. See for yourself.
  • Forbes Business/Finance Blog Network: Last night I was shocked when Forbes contacted me and said I was one of few sites that will carry the Forbes banner. They chose the top business and finance blogs that share unique perspectives and we will now be under a huge media machine with a shared advertising model.

Here are a few others that I would like to point out Ryan Paugh, Ryan Healy and Penelope Trunk are gen-y superstars and very good friends. They have collectively bonded the best minds in gen-y together in order to provide a central hub for thought leadership and networking. They syndicate my blog and I pretty much spam their Personal Branding category at this point. If you are in gen-y and are passionate about blogging, these are 3 people you have to meet.

Social Media Today: I almost accidentally ran into this website when I first started blogging. Maggie Fox is a social media expert in Canada and between her, Robin Carey, Jerry Bowles and Brian Solis, you have some of the best and most talented social media professionals around. They syndicate all my posts as well, and they have been for a very long time.

Picture of Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel is the Managing Partner of Millennial Branding, a Gen Y research and consulting firm. He is the New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success (St. Martin’s Press) and the #1 international bestselling book, Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future (Kaplan Publishing), which combined have been translated into 15 languages.


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