The personal brand has not been guessed for Brand Autopsy #5. Take a stab at it!
Personal branding has come a long way since 1997, when Tom Peter’s wrote “A Brand Called You.” In celebration of the 10th Anniversary of Personal Branding there will be a global telesummit (dial-in conference) with speakers in various fields related to personal branding. Personal branding was just a vision 10 years ago, but now, with the rise of both social media and competition, personal branding is the key to success. The event will be held this thursday, November 8th, and registration details are on the main site ( The summit is expected to draw more than 100,000 professionals from throughout the world.
There is no charge for this event which comprises of 24 separate seminars, and the value of the content and the expertise of the speakers rivals any world class professional development conference. Participants are being invited to make a contribution to the events social cause partner Kiva. Kiva provides microfinance loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries with the goal of eliminating social poverty. As the event is free to attend, the event organizers are hoping to raise US$100,000 for Kiva through donations.
With bestselling authors and personal branding experts as speakers and panelists, this unprecedented event is important for people who want to increase their career and business success and companies who are interested in attracting and retaining top talent.
Confirmed presenters include Jason Alba, William Arruda, Dick Bolles, Leigh Branham, Anita Bruzzese, Silvia Cambié, Krishna De, Tim Demello, Kirsten Dixson, Stewart Emery, Phil Gerbyshak, T. Scott Gross, Neville Hobson, Thebe Ikalafeng, John Jantsch, Catherine Kaputa, Guy Kawasaki, Andrea Kay, Liz Ryan, David Meerman Scott, Andy Sernovitz, Debbie Weil, Susan Whitcomb, and Carol Wilson.
I also helped organize this event, with the combined talent of some of biggest and best personal branding evangelists in the world.
Don’t be left in the dark. Who knows what the next 10 years will hold!