You’re counting the days. You’re doing things like taking stock, assessing your life, re-evaluating what you’ve accomplished in the last twelve months, and of course, you’re determined to make 2011 the best year ever. Yes/No?!
Hurrah. So let me pose two questions: (1) Is taking an Unofficial Review of your Personal Brand on your To Do List in the last few days of December? (2) If you answered no, what’s the chance you’d consider taking a closer look at what you’ve accomplished this year with your brand?
Your personal review
Let’s call this conducting an Unofficial Review of your Personal Brand, and see if you can squeeze it in before December 31. It’s bound to tell you where your brand stands. Look at it as an evaluation that will improve your brand’s rating for 2011. Does that sound like something you’d put on your To-Do List Yes/No?
Okay. Some more questions for you. See how you respond, if you relate to the following options, and how you’d rate your brand in 2010 in this Unofficial Review:
1.) In the last 12 months, would you say your personal brand has been: (i) totally irresistible? (ii) awesome, but that’s because you believe what your colleagues are telling you? (iii) in need of some serious tweaking?
2.) In the past 12 months, have you had unresolved brand issues when it comes to: (i) creating your own power-packed brand? (ii) showing up so your audience can find you, see you, and want to engage (ie. work) with you? (iii) not daring to have more fun with your brand?
3.) In the past 12 months, have you been craving to find out how you: (i) really stack up in the marketplace? (ii) are going differentiate yourself from the rest of the pack? (iii) can truly create a hugely likeable personal brand?
4.) In the past 12 months, what’s your gut sense when it comes to your reputation? (i) it’s on the rise? (ii) it’s idling? (iii) it just might need a bit of kick start?
If you could respond and relate to the questions (above), now let’s look at the next two steps in the Unofficial Brand Review that will help turn around your personal brand for 2011. Ready?
Step 1º IMMERSION PROCESS Get clear on exactly what you want your personal brand to stand for next year. This is about getting a sense of your brand’s inner trajectory. Where do you want to go? Where do you want to land? What do you want to accomplish? Get immersed in your brand’s goals, objectives, strategies, tactics, and expected outcomes. Next, make sure you have a process set up so you can evaluate your progress, month by month. (Otherwise, this process is rendered meaningless.)
Step 2º REALTY CHECK OR, IN YOUR DREAMS… What message do you want your personal brand to send out to your audience next year? How do you want people to feel about your brand? What powerful clues are you going to embed in your brand that will captivate, engage,, and attract new audiences and keep them coming back for more? (As I said, this is in your dreams... and note, dreams do come true.)
FYI The stronger your brand, the more powerful you are, and the better you can inspire, captivate, and engage your audience.
The good news: After conducting your own Unofficial Brand Review, you’ll find your personal brand will emerge with a clarity and ability to make more meaningful emotional connections in a world with a low attention span. (That is seriously good news.)
Remember: Your brand is sending out thousands of snippets of dialogue, conversations and clues nonstop, whether you know it or not. Conducting your own Unofficial Brand Review is going to help you turn these around so you can create a more synergistic and congruent brand dialogue that will provoke and captivate your audience.
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On a final note, a few benefits from conducting your Unofficial Brand Review:
• Your personal brand will land a clear spot in the psyche of your target market
• Your personal brand will differentiate itself as a desirable client attraction magnet
• Your personal brand will create immediate emotional connections with your audience
• Your personal brand will create a more highly enhanced personal image
• Your personal brand will give you a distinct competitive advantage (with competitors still scratching their heads)
Last question: Are you willing to add an Unofficial Review of your Personal Brand on your To Do List in the last few days of December Y/N? If you are, let me know what you’ve come up with and how your brand stands up for next year.
Is that a deal Y/N?!
Mary van de Wiel is best known for her global expertise when it comes to coaxing out the real power in brands to dramatically increase sales. Van is founder and Creative Director of She is the author of soon-to-be-published Dead Brand Walking: A Brand Therapist’s Viewpoint. Follow her on Twitter
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