Once Upon a Time, a Brand Outlaw

There’s a new reality out there. It’s called Business Unusual. More people have higher expectations, are more impatient and uncertain of which path to follow because all the rules have changed. The internet has changed the speed of business like nothing else, and according to best-selling author David Meerman Scott in his latest, must-read book, Real-Time Marketing & PR, Meerman, one of the best things that can give you an enormous competitive advantage – more than any other time in history – is ‘speed and agility.’

It’s a time for opportunity

Clearly, this is not a time for feeling paralyzed. In fact, it’s a time for huge opportunities and major breakthroughs. It’s a just a matter of getting used to looking through a fresh new lens so get ready:

•  Think like a Brand Outlaw Today, adopting a more provocative and maverick mindset works in your favor. These are fickle times, and they demand nimble thinking and doing the opposite of everyone else around you. A brand outlaw is a person who refuses, of course,  to be governed by any established set of rules. Question everything you’re doing. Learn to like and expect surprises. It’s part of the process. (PS When you get used to this kind of thinking, there’ll be no stopping you.)

• Leverage all you got Creative self-expression is an innate desire, characteristic of humans by the way, and if you’re not leveraging your creative self, expressing it and utilizing it to the max, then you’re not being smart.  Seriously, now is the time to put on your creative Outlaw hat, dare to be different. Bring your brand to life. There’s nothing better than a brand that’s showing strong, vibrant and vital signs.

•  Follow your gut Right now, too many people are scaling back, thinking small and battening down the hatches. Not a good idea. If there’s one thing you want to be doing now, it’s going outside your comfort zone and stretching yourself. Brand Outlaws look to the future. They’re fearless. (No excuses) If there ever was a time, this is it. You know what they say: Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Your success depends on your daring to act out, thinking like a Brand Outlaw and representing yourself and your brand in a way that will take you to the next level.  (Just remember to hold on tight. It can be an exhilarating ride!)

Recommended reading David Meerman Scott’s latest book, Real-Time Marketing & PR.


Mary van de Wiel is best known for her global expertise when it comes to coaxing out the real power in brands to dramatically increase sales. Van is founder and Creative Director of ZingYourBrand.com. She is the author of soon-to-be-published Dead Brand Walking: A Brand Therapist’s Viewpoint. Follow her on Twitter.

Picture of Mary van de Wiel

Mary van de Wiel


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