9 signs that people think you’re a difficult person to be around

Ever wonder why some people seem to avoid you, or why conversations tend to be cut short?

It could be a sign that others see you as difficult to be around.

While we often believe we’re misunderstood or that others are at fault, subtle behaviors can reveal how we come across.

From constant interruptions to needing to control every situation, these habits may push people away without us realizing it.

Being aware of these signals is the first step in improving relationships and fostering more positive interactions.

So, what are the key signs to watch for?

1) People avoid you

One of the most obvious signs that people find you difficult to be around is if they seem to avoid you.

This doesn’t mean they’re always running away when they see you coming.

It could be more subtle, like them not inviting you to social events, or always seeming to be “too busy” to hang out with you.

Humans are social creatures by nature. We crave interaction and connection.

So if people are consistently avoiding interaction with you, it’s worth considering why.

This is not about blaming yourself or feeling guilty. It’s about recognizing a pattern in order to understand and potentially change it.

If you notice this happening, take a step back and evaluate your behavior. Are you being overly negative or critical? Are you dominating every conversation? Or maybe there’s something else at play?

2) You’re often left out of the loop

I remember a few years back when I was working in a small team. We were close-knit and shared almost everything, from work updates to personal stories.

But there came a time when I started noticing a change.

I’d walk into the office and find everyone laughing about an inside joke I knew nothing about, or there would be sudden hush-hush whispers when I entered the room.

It felt like I was being left out of the loop.

This was a sign that people thought I was difficult to be around.

When I finally gathered the courage to ask what was going on, it turned out that my constant interruptions in conversations were making people feel unheard.

It was a hard pill to swallow, but it made me realize how my actions were impacting others. From then on, I made a conscious effort to listen more and interrupt less.

Being left out of the loop can be an indication that people find your presence challenging.

3) Service staff seem uncomfortable around you

We often overlook the way we interact with service staff, but it’s a revealing aspect of our character.

Research shows that how we treat waitstaff, retail workers, or anyone in the service industry can be a good indicator of our personality traits.

If you notice that waiters, bartenders, or shop assistants often seem uncomfortable or anxious around you, it may be a sign that you’re seen as a difficult person.

Perhaps you’re overly demanding, impatient, or dismissive.

This isn’t just about being ‘nice’.

It’s about showing basic respect and understanding to everyone you interact with. If service staff seem uneasy in your presence, it might be time to reassess your behavior and attitudes.

4) People often seem defensive around you

Do you often find that people seem to be on the defensive when they’re talking to you?

This might be a sign that they consider you a difficult person to be around.

When people are on guard, it’s usually because they feel criticized, judged, or attacked.

This can happen if you have a habit of pointing out mistakes, correcting people, or offering unsolicited advice.

You may need to work on being more supportive and less critical, fostering an environment where others feel safe and valued.

5) Conversations with you are one-sided

Communication is a two-way street. It involves both talking and listening.

If you find that most of your conversations are heavily skewed towards you doing most of the talking, it may be a sign that people find you hard to be around.

If others rarely get a word in or if they seem disinterested in what you have to say, it could be because they feel their input isn’t valued or that it’s simply hard to keep up with your pace.

Good conversation is about balance. It’s about give and take.

If you dominate the conversation, it may be time to practice some active listening and give others a chance to share their thoughts too.

6) You don’t get honest feedback

It’s hard to hear the truth about ourselves sometimes, especially when it’s not flattering. But honest feedback from others is a crucial part of personal growth.

If you’re finding that people shy away from giving you honest feedback, it might be because they see you as a difficult person to be around.

They might fear your reaction or believe that you won’t take their words to heart.

It’s not easy to create an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their honest thoughts. It requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to accept criticism.

But the effort is worth it. Honest feedback can help us grow, learn, and become better versions of ourselves.

7) You’re often the last one to be picked

I’ve always loved playing basketball. Back in school, we’d often form teams during lunch breaks for a quick game.

But I noticed something. When it came to team selection, I was often the last one to be picked.

At first, I attributed it to my less-than-stellar basketball skills. But then I noticed it happening in other scenarios too – group projects, study groups, even social outings.

It took some soul-searching and tough conversations to realize that my tendency to take control and dismiss others’ ideas was making me a less desirable team member.

People found me difficult to work with.

Being the last one picked can be a hard reality to face, but it can also be a sign of how others perceive you.

8) People don’t seem to relax around you

When we’re around people we’re comfortable with, we let our guard down. We laugh, we share, and we show our vulnerabilities.

But if you find that people around you often seem tense or guarded, it could be a sign that they find you difficult to be around.

People may not feel relaxed around you for various reasons. Maybe they feel judged or criticized, or perhaps they’re afraid of saying the wrong thing.

Observing how others behave in your presence can provide valuable insights into how you’re perceived.

9) You often feel misunderstood

Feeling constantly misunderstood can be very frustrating.

But it’s also a sign that people may find you difficult to be around. If you often feel like people don’t “get” you, it might be because your actions or words are not coming across as intended.

This is a sign that it’s time to work on your communication skills.

Clear, open, and honest communication is key to making sure you’re understood correctly. It’s also essential in building strong, positive relationships with the people around you.

The heart of the matter

Understanding how your behavior affects your relationships is crucial for personal growth.

When you notice signs like being avoided or feeling misunderstood, it’s an opportunity for self-reflection.

Developing better communication skills, showing empathy, and allowing others to express themselves can enhance your interactions significantly.

By addressing these patterns, you not only improve how others perceive you but also create a more supportive and enjoyable environment for everyone involved.

Ultimately, fostering genuine connections requires effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

Picture of Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham, based in Auckland, writes about the psychology behind everyday decisions and life choices. His perspective is grounded in the belief that understanding oneself is the key to better decision-making. Lucas’s articles are a mix of personal anecdotes and observations, offering readers relatable and down-to-earth advice.


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