If you put up with these 8 behaviors from others, you have almost zero self-respect

How often do you let others treat you in ways that undermine your dignity?

Whether it’s tolerating disrespect, enduring toxic behavior, or allowing others to walk all over you, these actions can chip away at your self-worth without you even realizing it.

Today, we dive into eight behaviors from others that signal you might be lacking self-respect. How many of these are you putting up with?

Let’s find out.

1) Constant criticism

Let’s get real. We all have room for improvement, and constructive criticism from the right people can help us grow.

But there’s a fine line between constructive criticism and constant critique.

Are you constantly on the receiving end of harsh, demeaning, or unnecessary criticism?

It’s a glaring red flag that you need to address. As widely noted by experts like those at Harley Therapy, it destroys self-esteem, which can lead to anxiety and even depression.

Don’t let constant criticism erode your self-esteem and self-respect. Stand tall, own your worth, and don’t allow others to undermine your value.

2) Disregard for personal boundaries

We all have our own personal boundaries – physical, emotional, mental, and even digital. They’re like invisible lines that define what we’re comfortable with and how far we’re willing to go.

These boundaries are essential for our well-being, and we should never tolerate people overstepping them.

I learned this the hard way.

A few years ago, I had a friend who had no respect for my time. She would call me at all hours, expecting me to drop everything and listen to her woes. She would show up unannounced at my place, disregarding my schedule or plans.

I initially brushed it off, thinking she needed me. But over time, I realized my own needs were being overlooked, and my personal boundaries were being crossed repeatedly. It was only when another friend pointed out how this was impacting my mental health that I realized my self-respect was at stake.

I finally stood up for myself and set clear guidelines about when and how she could contact me. It wasn’t easy, and it took a lot of courage, but I regained control over my time and space.

If you’re dealing with a similar situation, please understand this: tolerating such behavior from others means you’re compromising on your self-respect.

You deserve to have your personal boundaries acknowledged and respected.

3) Lack of appreciation

How many times have you gone out of your way to help someone, only to be met with silence?

Being overlooked and unappreciated is a sure way to feel undervalued.

Whether it’s constantly supporting a friend, going above and beyond at work, or making sacrifices in a relationship, the absence of gratitude speaks volumes. It’s not just frustrating—it sends a clear message that your efforts and contributions are not being respected.

You deserve to be recognized for what you bring to the table. Letting others consistently disregard your efforts is a direct hit to your self-respect.

Start valuing your own worth by expecting others to appreciate what you do.

4) Verbally abusive language

Let’s take a moment to talk about language. If someone in your life consistently uses derogatory language, insults, or harsh words towards you, it’s not okay. Period.

This isn’t about being sensitive or not being able to handle a joke. It’s about respect. Words can hurt, belittle and undermine your self-worth.

Don’t let anyone’s words define you or diminish your worth. Stand up for yourself and demand the respect you deserve.

5) Ignoring or invalidating your feelings

“You’re too sensitive”, “Why do you always overreact?”, “Lighten up; it was just a joke”

Do any of these sound familiar?

We all have feelings and emotions – they make us human. And every emotion we experience, whether it’s joy, sorrow, anger, or fear, has its own validity.

Someone dismissing your feelings as unimportant or irrelevant is not okay. It’s a blatant disrespect to your emotional well-being.

As noted by the folks at Psych Central, such emotional validation can result in “confusion, self-doubt, and distrust in your own emotions,” as well as worsen conditions like anxiety and depression.

Don’t stand for it.

6) Unreciprocated effort

“Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

Maya Angelou

Relationships, whether they’re friendships, romantic relationships, or family bonds, thrive on mutual effort. It’s about give and take.

But what happens when you’re always the one giving and the other person is always taking? It feels draining, doesn’t it? It feels like you’re rowing a boat all by yourself, while the other person is simply enjoying the ride.

Giving more than what you receive in a relationship isn’t a sign of love or loyalty. It’s a sign of diminishing self-respect.

You are not a doormat. Don’t let anyone treat you as such.

7) Frequent broken promises

This is a big one.

When someone makes a promise, it’s supposed to be a commitment, a bond of trust.

I recall an old friend who had a habit of making grand promises but rarely kept them. It was almost like a game to them – making promises they never intended to keep.

Every broken promise felt like a slap in the face. It wasn’t just the disappointment that hurt; it was the realization that my trust meant so little to them.

Tolerating broken promises repeatedly is like giving someone the license to disrespect you. Your trust is valuable, and you deserve to be taken seriously. Don’t let anyone make light of your trust or treat your expectations as trivial.

8) Constantly being put last

This is the crux of it all: If someone consistently puts you last, it’s the ultimate sign of disrespect.

We all have times when we need to prioritize others, but if it’s a constant pattern where your needs and desires are always at the bottom of someone else’s list, then it’s a problem.

You’re just as important as anyone else. Your needs matter. Your time matters. Your feelings matter.

If you’re putting up with being a constant last priority, then you’re essentially telling the world that you don’t respect yourself.

Final reflection: It’s about self-worth

If you’re tolerating any of these behaviors from others, it’s time for some serious introspection.

Self-respect is not a commodity that can be traded. It’s a fundamental aspect of your identity. It’s the foundation upon which your self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence are built.

So, take a moment to reflect. Are you standing up for yourself? Are you demanding the respect you deserve? Or are you tolerating disrespect at the cost of your self-respect?

Picture of Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham, based in Auckland, writes about the psychology behind everyday decisions and life choices. His perspective is grounded in the belief that understanding oneself is the key to better decision-making. Lucas’s articles are a mix of personal anecdotes and observations, offering readers relatable and down-to-earth advice.


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