7 rare signs you’re highly admired by people (even if they don’t say it)

It’s a common human desire to be admired and respected by others. But sometimes, people are not vocal about their admiration for you.

Often, the signs of admiration are subtle and understated, almost imperceptible.

However, if you’re observant, you can pick up on these rare signs which indicate you’re someone who inspires respect, even if nobody directly tells you.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the 7 rare signs you’re highly admired by people (even if they don’t say it).

Let’s dive in and decode these tell-tale signs that scream “You’re truly admired”.

1) People seek your advice

One of the most subtle indications of admiration is when people regularly seek your advice.

We all need guidance at times, but who we choose to turn to is often a reflection of who we respect and admire. When people come to you with their questions, dilemmas, or for general advice, it’s a strong sign they value your thoughts and perspective.

This sign is especially telling if they consistently seek your opinion, even when there are other people they could go to. It indicates they not only trust your judgement but also admire your ability to provide insightful solutions.

Admiration isn’t always expressed in grand gestures or lavish praises. Sometimes, it’s hidden in these small acts of trust and reliance.

2) They mimic your habits

You might not realize this, but people often imitate those they admire. It’s a subconscious thing we do when we respect someone and value their qualities.

This reminds me of a time when I noticed a colleague of mine started using the same catchphrases I often use in our team meetings. At first, I thought it was a coincidence or a result of spending a lot of time together. But over time, I noticed more similarities.

He started adopting my style of problem-solving, the way I handle disagreements, and even my punctuality habit. It was then that I realized he wasn’t just picking up on my habits because we were in close quarters. He was imitating me because he admired my approach and felt it was effective.

If you notice someone around you picking up on your habits or mannerisms, take it as a silent compliment. It’s one of those rare signs you’re highly admired by people, even if they don’t say it.

3) They respect your boundaries

Respecting someone’s boundaries is a powerful indication of admiration. When people value and look up to you, they take your needs and limitations into account.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that respect for boundaries is a crucial element in both romantic and platonic relationships. It indicates a high regard for the other person’s individuality and personal space.

If people around you are mindful of your boundaries, it’s a clear sign of their respect and admiration for you. Whether it’s respecting your time, personal space, or emotional boundaries, it shows that they hold you in high esteem.

4) They trust you with their secrets

Trust is a massive indicator of admiration. When people trust you enough to share their secrets or personal stories, it’s a sign that they admire you.

Sharing secrets or personal experiences requires a level of trust and respect that isn’t given lightly. When people choose to share these things with you, it means they trust your judgement, they respect your confidentiality, and they value your perspective.

If people confide in you regularly, it’s a strong sign that they hold you in high regard. It’s their way of acknowledging your wisdom and integrity, even if they don’t say it directly.

5) They defend you in your absence

One of the most profound signs of admiration is when people stand up for you when you’re not around.

I remember a time when I was going through a tough phase and couldn’t attend an important meeting at work. Later, I found out that a colleague had defended my ideas in my absence, even though we had different viewpoints on the subject.

This showed me that despite our differences, she respected and admired me enough to stand up for my viewpoint. That’s the kind of admiration that speaks volumes, even when no words are said.

6) They value your time

Time is one of our most precious resources. When people respect and value your time, it’s a clear sign they admire you.

They won’t keep you waiting unnecessarily, they’ll make sure to schedule meetings or calls at a time that’s convenient for you, and they’ll avoid taking up your time with unimportant matters.

The act of valuing someone’s time is a sign of respect, consideration and admiration. So, if the people around you are mindful of your time, take it as a silent compliment. It’s their way of showing that they hold you in high esteem.

7) They show genuine happiness for your successes

Perhaps the most telling sign of admiration is when people genuinely celebrate your achievements.

When someone is truly happy for your success, without a hint of jealousy or bitterness, it’s a clear indication they admire and respect you. They recognize your hard work, they appreciate your capabilities, and they’re pleased to see you thrive.

This display of genuine joy in others’ success is a rare and beautiful sign of deep admiration. It’s an affirmation that you’re not just respected, but also deeply admired.

Reflection: It’s all about silent admiration

The signs are there, in the way people respect your boundaries, defend you when you’re not around, or genuinely celebrate your successes. These are the silent yet powerful indicators of the admiration people hold for you.

It’s not always about vocal praises or overt gestures. Often, it’s about these quiet signals of respect and regard that people send your way.

As you move forward, keep an eye out for these signs. And most importantly, take a moment to appreciate the silent admiration they represent. After all, it’s these small acts of respect and regard that truly enrich our relationships and lives.

Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown


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