8 signs you’re mentally tougher than 95% percent of people, according to psychology

Are you mentally tougher than 95% of people? While we often equate mental strength with resilience or grit, it’s more complex than that.

True mental toughness is about maintaining emotional stability, adapting to change, and staying committed to long-term goals even in the face of adversity.

Think you’ve got what it takes?

Let’s dive into the subtle yet powerful signs that suggest your mental fortitude is in the top 5%, according to psychology.

1) You’re unfazed by failure

Failure. A word that strikes fear into the hearts of many.

But not for you, right?

Every stumble, every fall, every setback is nothing more than a stepping stone on your path to success. You brush off failure like dust off your shoulders and keep moving forward.

Instead of seeing failure as the end of the road, you see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. It doesn’t scare you, it fuels you.

You understand that failure is just a part of the journey, and you’re ready to face it head-on.

In the face of adversity, you don’t crumble. You rise.

2) You keep calm under pressure

Pressure. It’s that beast that can turn even the bravest into a bundle of nerves.

But here’s a little secret about me – I thrive under pressure.

Let me give you an example. A few years back, I was given a massive project at work with a ridiculously tight deadline. Everyone expected me to crumble, but I didn’t.

Instead, I took a deep breath and dove headfirst into the task. I worked long hours, faced countless challenges, and even had to deal with a few unexpected obstacles.

But did I let the pressure get to me? Not one bit.

I stayed calm, focused, and determined. And when the deadline arrived, I had not only completed the project but exceeded everyone’s expectations.

That’s what mental toughness looks like. It’s about keeping your cool when the heat is on and turning pressure into your ally.

3) You’re adaptable to change

Change. A constant in our lives, yet something so many of us resist.

The thing is, life doesn’t care about our comfort zones. It’s always throwing us curveballs, testing our resilience and adaptability.

For the mentally tough, change is not a threat but an opportunity. They don’t just adapt to change, they embrace it.

Here’s something you may not know – research shows that being adaptable has a direct correlation with high levels of mental toughness. These individuals view change as a challenge to overcome rather than a problem to avoid.

4) You maintain a positive attitude

Life has its ups and downs. It’s a roller coaster ride that can sometimes feel overwhelming.

But guess what? The mentally tough don’t let the lows get to them.

They understand that life is a mix of good and bad experiences, and it’s their reaction to these experiences that truly matters.

Instead of focusing on the negatives, they choose to see the silver lining in every situation. They maintain a positive attitude, even when things don’t go their way.

This doesn’t mean they ignore the bad. It simply means they refuse to let it dictate their mindset or mood.

By maintaining a positive outlook, they’re better equipped to handle the challenges life throws at them.

5) You’re self-disciplined

Discipline. It’s that magic ingredient that separates the dreamers from the doers.

And here’s where I come clean – I’m a big believer in self-discipline.

I’ve learned that making a plan is easy, but sticking to it, now that’s the real challenge.

That’s where self-discipline steps in. It’s the inner strength that helps you resist temptations and distractions. It’s what keeps you on track when the going gets tough.

I’ve seen it in my own life. Whether it’s sticking to a fitness routine, maintaining a healthy diet, or working towards a career goal – self-discipline has been my rock.

6) You’re not afraid to ask for help

Help. It’s a small word, but one that many of us find incredibly hard to say.

You might think that being mentally tough means going it alone, taking on every challenge single-handedly. But that’s not the case.

The truth is, the mentally tough understand the value of seeking help. They’re not afraid to ask for assistance when they need it.

They recognize that we all have our strengths and weaknesses. And sometimes, getting help from others can be the key to overcoming a difficult situation.

7) You set healthy boundaries

Boundaries. Some see them as barriers, but the mentally tough know better.

They understand that establishing healthy boundaries is essential for their mental wellbeing.

Whether it’s saying ‘no’ to additional work when they’re already overwhelmed, or distancing themselves from toxic relationships, they’re not afraid to make tough decisions for their own peace of mind.

By setting boundaries, they ensure they have time and energy for the things that truly matter to them.

8) You embrace self-improvement

They know they’re not perfect – and they’re okay with that. Instead of being paralyzed by their flaws, they see them as opportunities for growth.

They’re always seeking ways to better themselves, constantly learning, evolving, and pushing their limits.

This relentless pursuit of self-improvement is the cornerstone of mental toughness. If you’re someone who’s always striving to be the best version of yourself, you’re likely mentally tougher than 95% of people out there.

Final thoughts

If you’ve journeyed with me this far, you might be realizing that being mentally tough isn’t about being invincible or unemotional. It’s about resilience, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of improvement.

It’s about understanding that life is a rollercoaster of ups and downs, and embracing the ride. It’s about learning from failures, rising above challenges, and constantly pushing your boundaries.

No one is born mentally tough. It’s a skill that can be cultivated over time, with practice and patience.

Being mentally tough doesn’t mean you won’t feel the emotions that come with the highs and lows of life. It simply means you won’t let these emotions control your actions or dictate your outlook on life.

If you see yourself in these traits, take a moment to acknowledge your strength. And if not, remember that it’s never too late to build mental toughness.

Picture of Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair is a former competitive athlete who transitioned into the world of wellness and mindfulness. Her journey through the highs and lows of competitive sports has given her a unique perspective on resilience and mental toughness. Ava’s writing reflects her belief in the power of small, daily habits to create lasting change.


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