If you really want to get ahead in life, do these 5 things before you turn 30

Ever wonder how some people reach massive success in their 30s and 40s, while others seem to be playing catch-up?

The truth is, what you do in your twenties plays a huge role in shaping your future success — yet it’s so easy to overlook.

Hindsight is 20/20, and if I could go back, there are a handful of things I’d make sure to focus on during those years.

It’s the little habits, decisions, and mindset shifts you make now that have a compounding effect later in life.

Here’s what I wish I knew back then.

1) Embrace mindfulness

Mindfulness isn’t just a buzzword, it’s a practice that can significantly impact your life, especially when adopted early.

Harnessing the power of mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment, aware of where we are and what we’re doing. It’s about not being overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

This practice can help us make better decisions, reduce stress, and improve our overall quality of life. It’s a tool that successful people use to maintain balance and perspective, even in the midst of life’s challenges.

And guess what? You don’t need to meditate for hours to achieve mindfulness. It can be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to focus on your breathing, or being fully engaged in whatever task you’re doing.

Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine before you turn 30 can set a solid foundation for a successful life ahead.

2) Establish an exercise habit

In your twenties, it’s easy to feel invincible. You can eat what you want, stay up all night, and skip the gym without much consequence — at least that’s how it felt for me.

But the truth is, while you might not see the immediate effects of skipping exercise now, it’s a different story as you get older.

The lack of regular exercise can eventually catch up to you, leading to not just physical issues like weight gain or reduced strength, but also mental impacts such as lower energy levels, increased stress, and reduced mental clarity.

On the other hand, getting into an exercise routine brings a whole host of benefits. As noted by Healthline, regular exercise can help control weight, increase energy levels, boost brain health and memory, improve mood, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

In short, exercise is a powerful tool for not only your physical health but also your mental and emotional well-being.

That’s why it’s so important to establish an exercise habit earlier rather than later. When you make fitness a non-negotiable part of your life in your twenties, it becomes second nature — a habit that will serve you well as you age, keeping you sharp, healthy, and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way.

Trust me, it’s one of the best gifts you can give your future self.

3) Build a strong network

Creating a robust personal and professional network is another key ingredient for success that you should be investing in before hitting 30.

Let me share a personal example. When I first started Hack Spirit, I had a vision but not many resources.

What I did have, though, was a network of support. Friends offered their expertise, shared the website on their social media, and even contributed content. And because of these connections, Hack Spirit grew and thrived.

Your network can provide opportunities, advice, and support in both your personal and professional life.

It’s not just about knowing a lot of people. It’s about knowing the right people – the ones who challenge you, support you, and help you grow.

4) Define what success means to you

What does success look like to you? It’s a serious question.

So many people spend their twenties following a script laid out by society — go to college, get a “good” job, buy a house, and settle down.  For some, that’s the dream, and if that’s what fulfills you, that’s fantastic.

But for others, those milestones might not hold the same meaning, and they end up working hard to reach them, only to realize later that it’s not what they truly wanted.

The key is knowing what you want. You’re better off figuring that out as early as possible, so you can put your energy into a life that genuinely aligns with your values and passions.

As the philosopher Seneca once said, “If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.” In other words, if you don’t know what success looks like for you, it’s easy to spend years adrift, working hard for a life that never feels quite right.

Too many people hit their 30s and 40s feeling lost, stuck in careers or lifestyles they didn’t intentionally choose. Don’t be that person.

Take the time now to dig deep, reflect on what really matters to you, and define success on your own terms. That way, every step you take is one that moves you closer to the life you actually want — not the one you think you’re supposed to have.

5) Take financial steps to secure your future

I know, talking about finances might not seem exciting when you’re in your twenties, but this is one of those practical moves that can make life a whole lot easier down the road.

The reality is that most people don’t start thinking seriously about long-term finances until they’re much older, and by then, it’s a lot harder to build wealth.

And no, this isn’t about becoming a millionaire. It’s about taking small but meaningful steps early on to ensure you have financial security and freedom. Because here’s the thing: having money gives you options, and with options come choices and peace of mind — two things that are priceless.

Some financial steps you can take in your twenties include creating and sticking to a budget, paying off high-interest debt like credit cards, building an emergency fund, and starting to invest, even if it’s a small amount.

If your job offers a retirement plan like a 401(k), contribute to it, especially if there’s an employer match (that’s essentially free money). Or you can set up your own IRA (Individual Retirement Account).

These simple moves may seem small now, but they compound over time. By establishing good financial habits early on, you’ll not only be more prepared for life’s unexpected challenges, but you’ll also have the ability to pursue opportunities that align with your goals, without constantly worrying about money.

Trust me — a little financial savvy now can go a long way later.

Final thoughts: It’s all about choices

By the time you reach your 30s, you’ll want to look back and feel confident about the choices you made, the habits you built, and the life you’ve created.

Your twenties are a crucial time to do this — a decade where the foundations for your future are laid.

So, go on — start creating the life you want today. It’s not just about getting ahead; it’s about becoming the person you want to be and living the life that makes you feel fulfilled. You’ve got this!

Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown


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