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8 signs you’re actually an exhausting person to deal with, according to psychology

You know, it’s not always easy to see ourselves as others see us. Sometimes, we might be the one who’s tough to handle without even realizing it.

According to psychology, there are certain tell-tale signs that you’re actually an exhausting individual to deal with. These aren’t just small quirks, but behavioral patterns that can drain the people around you.

In this article, we’ll delve into these tell-tale signs, helping you understand if you’re inadvertently being a tough cookie to crack.

Let’s get started.

1) You’re always the center of attention

When it comes to social interactions, balance is key. It’s okay to share your experiences and thoughts, but it becomes a problem when you’re constantly dominating the conversation.

In psychology, this trait is often linked to narcissism and can be quite draining for those around you. It becomes exhausting when every conversation has to circle back to you, leaving little room for others to express themselves.

If you’re constantly the star of every story, and every discussion somehow ends up about your life, your problems, or your achievements, then you might be an exhausting person to deal with.

It’s not always about being the loudest in the room. Sometimes, the most valuable thing we can do is listen.

2) You’re constantly negative

Here’s a personal story. I once had a friend who was always negative. Every conversation was about how everything in the world was going wrong and every silver lining had a cloud. It was exhausting.

Psychologically speaking, constant negativity can be draining for those around you. It creates a heavy atmosphere that can turn even the most cheerful person gloomy.

If you find yourself frequently focusing on the negatives, constantly complaining, or always anticipating the worst possible outcome, you might be an exhausting person to deal with.

I learned from my friend’s situation that it’s essential to consciously make an effort to find positivity and gratitude in our daily lives. Not only does it make us feel better, but it also makes us more pleasant to be around.

3) You often interrupt others

Have you ever tried to share a story, only to be cut off before you could finish? It can be quite frustrating, right? Well, it turns out, frequent interruption is a classic sign of an exhausting personality.

Psychologically speaking, interrupting others shows a lack of respect for their thoughts and opinions. It conveys a message that your words are more important than theirs.

People who often interrupt others are more likely to have high levels of stress and anxiety. It’s a way for them to regain control of a situation that feels chaotic or overwhelming.

If you find yourself frequently cutting others off in conversation, it might be time to take a step back and practice active listening. This will not only improve your relationships but also your own mental health.

4) You’re a chronic complainer

We all know someone who never seems to be satisfied. No matter what happens, they always find something to complain about. This behavior, when it becomes a habit, can be a sign that you’re an exhausting person to deal with.

According to psychology, chronic complaining can not only drain those around you but also negatively impact your own mental health. Constantly focusing on the negatives can reinforce feelings of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

Additionally, it’s important to note that there’s a difference between expressing genuine concerns or feelings and complaining just for the sake of it.

If you find yourself often grumbling about your circumstances, consider adopting more positive coping mechanisms such as problem-solving or acceptance. This could help reduce the emotional toll on both you and those around you.

5) You lack empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s what allows us to connect on a deeper level, to show compassion, and to build strong relationships. Unfortunately, a lack of empathy can make you an exhausting person to deal with.

Imagine a friend sharing a painful experience with you, only for you to dismiss their feelings or make light of their situation. This lack of understanding can leave them feeling isolated and unheard.

Psychology tells us that empathy is crucial for healthy social interactions. When we fail to show empathy, we create a barrier between ourselves and others, making our interactions feel taxing and one-sided.

If you find it hard to empathize with others, it might be time for some introspection. By opening your heart and trying to understand other people’s perspectives, you can foster more meaningful and less exhausting relationships.

6) You’re always one-upping

I remember a time when I was constantly trying to prove myself. If a friend shared an achievement, I felt the need to share a bigger one. If someone had a bad day, mine was worse. I didn’t realize it then, but I was being an exhausting person to deal with.

The habit of one-upping others can be quite draining for those around you. It turns every conversation into a competition and can make others feel like their experiences are being diminished.

One-upping often stems from insecurity and a need for validation. But instead of making us feel better, it often leads to feelings of isolation as it pushes people away.

If you often find yourself trying to outdo others, it might be time to reflect on why you feel this need and work towards finding validation within yourself, rather than in comparison with others.

7) You don’t respect boundaries

Boundaries are essential in all our relationships. They define what is acceptable behavior and what isn’t. When someone continually disrespects or ignores these boundaries, they can quickly become exhausting to deal with.

In psychology, a lack of respect for boundaries is often associated with manipulative behaviors. It might be continually asking for favors, oversharing personal information, or not taking no for an answer.

If you often find yourself crossing the line and ignoring other people’s wishes or comfort levels, you might be an exhausting person to deal with.

Learning to recognize and respect others’ boundaries is not just a sign of respect, but also a step towards more healthy and balanced interactions.

8) You’re not self-aware

At the core of every exhausting person lies a lack of self-awareness. It’s the inability to recognize how your actions and behaviors affect those around you.

Without self-awareness, it’s difficult to understand why people might find you exhausting. You might be oblivious to the fact that your constant negativity, lack of empathy, or disrespect for boundaries is draining those around you.

Self-awareness is the foundation for personal growth and improving your relationships with others. If you’re not self-aware, you’re likely an exhausting person to deal with.

Cultivating self-awareness takes time and patience, but it’s a journey worth embarking on for your own peace and the well-being of those around you.