
9 little-known body language gestures that make you appear genuine and trustworthy

Imagine walking into a room full of strangers, and within seconds, people trust you. Sounds powerful, right?

We often focus on what we say to convey honesty, but our body language speaks volumes long before we even open our mouths.

Subtle gestures you might not even be aware of can make or break the trust others place in you.

If you want to come across as someone genuine and reliable in any situation—whether it’s a job interview, first date, or casual conversation—these nine little-known body language tricks can work wonders.

1) Openness in posture

Ever wonder why some people just naturally exude a sense of trustworthiness? Chances are, they’re using their body language in a way that conveys openness and approachability.

One of the key elements of this is maintaining an open posture. This can be as simple as standing or sitting straight, with your chest and abdomen exposed, not hunched over or closed off.

An open posture signals that you’re receptive and ready to engage with others, a quality that immediately makes others feel more comfortable around you.

Keep in mind, though, authenticity is key here. If your open posture feels forced or unnatural, it’s likely to backfire and make you seem less trustworthy.

2) Eye contact

Another key gesture that’s often overlooked is maintaining eye contact.

This simple gesture can make a big difference in how genuine and trustworthy you appear to others.

I remember a time when I was attending a networking event. I was speaking to a man who kept his gaze fixed on mine throughout our entire conversation.

It wasn’t intense or uncomfortable – rather, it made me feel valued and heard.

That’s the power of eye contact. It communicates respect and attentiveness, showing others that you’re fully present in the moment with them.

Too much of it can come off as intimidating or intrusive.

The key is maintaining a balance, occasionally breaking off before returning your gaze to the other person.

3) Mirroring

Mirroring is a potent tool in the arsenal of body language. It involves subtly mimicking the gestures, facial expressions, or speech patterns of the person you’re interacting with.

This non-verbal form of communication creates a sense of familiarity and rapport. It signals to the other person that you’re on the same wavelength, enhancing feelings of trust and understanding.

Interestingly, it’s a behavior that we often do unconsciously.

In fact, newborns have been observed mirroring faces and body movements, showing that it’s an innate human tendency.

4) Nodding

Nodding is a simple gesture, but it carries a lot of weight. It’s universally recognized as a sign of agreement and understanding.

When you nod while listening to someone, it shows that you’re actively engaged in the conversation and value what they’re saying.

This can make the other person feel heard and appreciated, enhancing your trustworthiness.

Like any other body language gesture, overdoing it can have the opposite effect. Use it sparingly and authentically to affirm your engagement in the conversation.

5) Leaning in

Leaning in slightly while engaging in a conversation is another effective way to appear more genuine and trustworthy.

By doing so, you’re physically demonstrating your interest and engagement in the conversation.

This subtle movement signals to the other person that you are fully present and interested in what they have to say.

It helps to create a sense of intimacy and connection, making the other person feel valued and important.

Subtlety is key. Leaning in too much can invade someone’s personal space and make them feel uncomfortable. Aim for a subtle lean that conveys interest without overwhelming the other person.

6) Genuine smiles

Nothing conveys authenticity and trustworthiness quite like a genuine smile. A sincere smile can warm hearts, build trust, and break down barriers like few other things can.

A genuine smile is not just about the mouth. It’s a full-faced expression that involves the eyes – often referred to as a ‘Duchenne smile‘.

When you smile genuinely, your eyes crinkle at the corners, adding an air of authenticity that’s hard to fake.

Don’t hold back your smile. Let it shine through naturally, lighting up your entire face.

7) Open-handed gestures

Open-handed gestures can be a powerful way to convey trustworthiness.

When our palms are visible, it signals to the other person that we’re not hiding anything, both literally and metaphorically.

I’ve found this to be particularly effective in my own life. For instance, during challenging conversations, I try to keep my hands open and visible.

It’s a small gesture, but I’ve noticed that it helps to create an atmosphere of openness and honesty.

The key is to keep it natural. Forced or exaggerated hand movements can seem inauthentic.

8) Lowered voice pitch

The pitch of your voice can also play a crucial role in how genuine and trustworthy you appear. Studies have shown that a lower voice pitch is often associated with credibility and authority.

Speaking in a calm, steady, low-pitched voice can convey confidence and reliability.

It can help you come across as more genuine, as it indicates that you’re relaxed and comfortable in your own skin.

However, it’s important to remain true to your natural voice.

Trying to artificially lower your voice can come off as forced and inauthentic. Instead, focus on speaking calmly and confidently, allowing your voice pitch to naturally drop.

9) Consistency

The most crucial aspect of appearing genuine and trustworthy through your body language is consistency.

Your verbal and non-verbal cues need to be in alignment; any discrepancy between the two can create a sense of unease and doubt.

If your words are saying one thing, but your body language is saying another, people are likely to trust the non-verbal message. Make sure to be consistent with your:

  • Gestures
  • Facial expressions
  • Posture
  • Voice tone

Consistency builds credibility. And with credibility comes trust.

Final thoughts: It’s all about authenticity

Mastering the art of body language isn’t just about appearing confident—it’s about building authentic connections with others.

By incorporating these nine subtle gestures into your everyday interactions, you’re sending a powerful message without uttering a single word: you are genuine, you are trustworthy, and people can feel comfortable around you.

The best part? These small shifts can create a lasting impact, helping you build stronger relationships and open doors you never imagined.

Trust is earned through actions, and your body language is the most natural place to start.

It’s time to let your presence speak for itself.