You’ve been thinking about it. You’ve been dreaming about it. Now it’s in your hand or at least in your inbox. That job offer you’ve been dreaming of is finally here.
Now what?
All your hard work. All your research. All your effort’s, including time away from family, friends, and fun activities.
First off … Congratulations!
You’ve done it!
Now, keep in mind, there is a bit more work to be done. There are a few things for you to consider and a few things you should be already thinking about. Don’t worry … if you haven’t started thinking about them yet now is a good time.
Start with these tips and jump below to the section on Preparing a Counter Offer. Even if you aren’t going to make a counter offer there are a few points you should be evaluating.
Here are a few tips to consider when that dream job offer does finally come through:
- Get it writing.
- Read the entire offer.
- Make sure you understand exactly what you are committing to do.
- Pro Tip: Have a trusted adviser read the offer to. If you have a career counselor ask them to read it and provide guidance.
I offer these not to put more stress on you, but to make sure you fully and truly understand what you are committing to. When you have a job offer in your hand is one of the few times that you have full control over your career.
While this may sound a bit cynical the fact is when you are being offered a job you have control.
Perhaps one of the few times in your career where you have full control.
I mention this last point not to provide consternation or confusion about job offers, but the reality is you are in control of your career.
People that understand how to deal with job offers in a professional manner will stand out in their careers.
When you are being sought after – which in effect is what a job offer is – it is one time where you really have control over where you’re going and what you’re doing in your career. Of course, you can always re-assert control over your career (almost any time you want), but during the job offer phase you have the power to decide when, where and how you will consider a transition.
What if you have more than one job offer?
While it may be stressful and you will end up letting someone down this is actually a very good position to be in. If you are fortunate enough to have multiple job offers it is all the more important to have trusted advisors that can help you think through the options and scenarios. Sure, you can do this on your own, but do ask for help. Make sure you understand everything that is being offered and everything you need to do to be successful in each role.
One way to consider multiple offers is to Map It Out
Prepare for a Counter Offer
Not every job offer is what you expected. This is your chance (perhaps one of the few chances in your career where you have this kind of negotiating power) to ask for what you think the job requires for you to be successful in the role. This is not a power trip. Rather it is you looking out for your best interests.
Pro Tip: Never Negotiate for Yourself
As you consider and prepare for a counteroffer make sure you include your trusted advisers. Also, here is a list of a few things to consider. Your list may be shorter or longer. It depends upon the role and the responsibilities, but these will likely have an impact.
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- Annual salary (or hourly rate for contract work)
- Equity/Bonuses/Stock Options
- Health Insurance (Medical, Dental, Vision, Life, Pet, etc.)
- Vacation Time/Paid Time Off/Sick Days
- Retirement Plans (401k or other retirement accounts or matches)
- Office equipment for working from home / Internet Costs
- Mobile Devices – Company Owned / Costs % covered
- Relocation fees or signing bonus
- Parking/commuting expense reimbursement
- Company Car
Transitioning out of your current role
While it may be scary to have to confront your boss and deal with HR the fact is you are looking at a new place to work. This is especially true once you have an offer in hand. You owe your current company the professional courtesy to give them a heads up and to let them know you are going to be leaving. One goal is to stand out in your career. No matter what your current company is doing you owe it to yourself and your career to make an amicable transition.
Note: You do not need to provide details about why you were leaving or details about what your new job situation is all about. Those are decisions you can make as a professional. However, it is 100% within your control on whether you want to share your thoughts about your transition.
You can simply state you have taken on a new role and provide the date you will be transitioning.
Of course, you can and should work with your manager to make it as smooth a transition as possible. You never know when you are going to end up work for or with them again. Remember … this is YOUR career.
Leave on a good note. Even if the situation was challenging you want to make sure you stand out in your career and leave things on a professional note and in a professional manner.
A few more tips:
- Send a thank you note to the HR department and your new manager.
- Swing by the office in person if you can. Shake your managers hand and say thank you. This lets them know you are excited and gives them a perspective on how you will likely treat colleagues, partners and clients.
- Let other potential employers know. Thank them for their consideration and let them know you are removing yourself from consideration.
Congratulations! You’ve done it!
Now go out and crush it on your new job.