Over 300 people entered the MyDomain Brand .ME Contest, and after some difficult judging, fifteen finalists with outstanding personal brands were selected to compete for three grand prize $1,000 Apple gift cards. Visit the Brand .ME Contest page today to view the finalists and vote for those you think have the best personal brand.
[Disclaimer: MyDomain is a sponsor of the Personal Branding Blog]
The finalists are competing in three different categories (Career/Job Hunting, Hobby/Interest, and Subject Expert), and one finalist in each category will be awarded the grand prize. The voting period closes on April 28th, and your vote could have a big impact on the overall outcome. You can vote for one finalist in each category.
Vote for your favorite Brand .ME Contest finalists now!
Here is a list of contestants by category and why I felt that they made the final cut!
Career/Job Hunting Personal Brand
Paige Butcher PaigeButcher.com – Paige put her picture right front and center on her website, and you can get a good sense of who she is as a person, what she offers, and some samples of her work.
Scott Bowen Scoboblog.Wordpress.com – Scott’s blog offers a lot of multimedia components, including graphs, pictures, and videos to really illustrate his posts and he always uses a Box widget to showcase his resume, which can be downloaded in one click.
Clifton Simmons ProfessorAdMan.com – Clifton places an award he’s won (Hive Awards) right in his banner which shows immediate credibility and makes you take his posts more seriously.
Toya Bryant LiteraryNobody.com – Tonya has a video on her website so that you get to know her as a personal, and also has a nice visual at the top, where you can see the recent posts she’s written. When you first land on her site, you know exactly who she is, and the topic she’s writes about.
Bret Simmons BretLSimmons.com – Bret is someone I respect and I believe he is one of the few in academia that has really mastered personal branding. His website is very strong because he positions himself as a friendly educator, and he lists his services and subscription options upfront.
Hobby/Interest Personal Brand
Maeling Tapp NaturalChica.com – Maeling did a great job molding her web design to her picture, and back to her overall brand. She puts her about section up front, before her posts, to set the tone, and she is very welcoming with her list of social networks that she belongs to.
Denny McCorkle TweetRightBrain.Posterous.com – Denny’s site is very clean cut, and the name of his blog matches his message and design perfectly. You can tell immediately that he’s active on other social networks and that he’s willing to connect to you.
Dwan Perrin MommaDJane.com – Dwan has invented her own brand name, and has been able to tie that back into the content that she’s distributing on her blog. Her categories are explained in detail at the top and each post has her own custom signature appended to it.
Courtney Dial Pizzazzerie.com – Courtney offers a great branded website, with a unique name, and is your complete resource for party planning, from holiday’s to weddings.
Mary Maynard HappyHourMary.Blogspot.com – Mary puts the wine glass right at the top so you know exactly what you’re getting with her blog.
Subject Expert Personal Brand
Dave Mozealous Mozealous.com – Dave invents his own word for a website title. His site is clean, and his picture brings out his character. He helps people with technology usability.
Joe Colburn JoeTech.com – Joe is the man when it comes to technology as you can see by his website. He also has a good understanding of how to monetize his blog, with multiple sponsors.
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Carol Roth CarolRoth.com – Carol has a very strong brand as a entrepreneur assessment coach. You can view videos of her answering questions through her phone and more.
Greg Strosaker GregStrosaker.com – Greg has many interests and wants to help you become more productive in and out of the office.
JeniferDaniels TheFriendRaiser.com – Jennifer is an expert at fund-raising. She teaches you how to raise money and shows you her qualifications from and center.
Thank you to everyone who entered the content!