Using Three Words to Plan for a Great 2015

shutterstock_238604680Here we are again. It’s the start of another new year.

Have you taken the time to review your year? Have you taken the time to think about the new year yet?

My guess is yes. Usually we look to do a review at the end of the year. Sometimes we cannot put in the time to make that happen until the start of the new year. That’s where this post comes in. If you have gotten too busy and didn’t have the time to do a proper review that’s OK. If you haven’t been able to put in the time to think about the new year yet either … that’s OK too.

The Three Word Plan

Here is a simple, yet powerful idea I have borrowed from Chris Brogan. The idea is to use three words to set your goals, your plans and your commitments for the next year. If you have already been doing this you know what I mean.

My Three Words for 2015 are:

  • Read
  • Write
  • Review

For me these are three words are going to help me identify what is important for both time and content management. I already have a list of books and articles I want to read and I will set aside the time on my schedule to insure I can read them. I also have big writing goals for 2015 and I have allocated time on my schedule for these efforts too. In fact, I have doubled to time allocation because I know the creative process will take me more time that I expect. Finally, I will be forcing a cushion time into my schedule to insure I am putting in my best effort — both on what I’m reading and writing.

Here is a short video I shot on the Last Sunday of 2014. I hope you enjoy it and that it inspires you to think about your Three Words. And, if you are so inclined to share yours in the comments.

What are your three words for 2015?

While I can’t guarantee that using this model will make for a successful 2015 I can say they may help you put guidelines on your time and on your goals. The upside is that when you take the time to plan ahead you will Stand Out in your Career. Even something as simple as using this Three Word Plan.

Key Point – Planning is important. But note that everything does not need to be planned to the nth degree, but you do want to make sure you have at least some high level goals in place to know where you want to go and most important … to know when you have gotten there.

This last point is critical. If you don’t set goals with timelines and deliverables you wont know when you have achieved them.

I hope you find three words that help you think about, plan and ultimately create a fantastic and successful 2015. Please drop your three words into the comments here and share with the rest of the Personal Branding Blog community. Perhaps we can help each other stay on track and achieve great things … together.

Picture of Jeff Shuey

Jeff Shuey

Jeff is an expert in the Enterprise Content Management industry. He brings over 20 years of Channel Sales, Partner Marketing and Alliance expertise to audiences around the world in speaking engagements and via his writing. He has worked for Microsoft, Kodak, and K2. He is currently consulting with Microsoft and partners to drive Community Engagement and Alliances. Follow him on Twitter @jshuey or on LinkedIn: in/JeffShuey


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