Trial and Error Leads to Improved Path 

We are now closing in on year-end and fast approaching the New Year.  Take time to seriously ponder and discover the best lessons learned over the past year.

Questions for consideration:
Which lessons have you learned this year that have made a significant change in your business?
Which strategies proved most successful that you might develop content and share with others to help them improve, too?
How may you capitalize on your best discoveries?

By focusing on the tough road blocks and how you were able to surpass them, you will gain excellent insight for what to tackle next.  You might also consider how to leverage the best of what you learned.  The ability to take one successful strategy, and expand to the power of 10, will exponentially work to your benefit. Briefly, offering one service provides a 50-50 chance of hearing “Sold!” But taking that one idea and expanding into 10 provides the exponential result of over 3.6 million possibilities, as many combinations between ten services exist.

As you can imagine, leveraging strengthens your personal brand and serves to build prominence of your business brand. Working strategically empowers all you do and becomes an underlying marketing communication effort that will attract much larger audiences.

Using the remainder of 2014, to seriously contemplate all that you have accomplished to date, and the struggles encountered to get to this point in time, will enable you to fast track 2015. Commit to a minimum of an hour per week reviewing all projects tackled and achieved.

Questions to Ask of Yourself
What was your biggest struggle and was it worth it?
If your answer is “No”, what should be done differently; if “Yes”, what was derived from the experience?
Where did you find greatest satisfaction and reward and are these areas you may leverage? Begin developing your plan today!

Once you have thoroughly quizzed yourself, you are ready to advance to the next level of inquiry – that of your trusted peers.

Advancing Quickly Insights
* Ask trusted others how they handle specific difficult situations
* Eliminate a rush to judgment in order to be open to new ideas
* Experiment on occasion to test waters and be open to learning
* Adapt the ideas consistent with your values and priorities to keep your personal brand in tact
* Should a new venture not work out correctly, apologize to those involved and brainstorm a better system together
* Instead of being embarrassed something didn’t work well; be proud you tried!
* Quarterly, try a new venture seemingly above your experience level.
* Keep abreast of business news and new ideas
* Listen to your intuition
* Form a group dedicated to similar principles for collaborative business and in complementary endeavors
* Spend a portion of time sharing what you have learned as community service

When we each reach out to help at least one other person to succeed, we easily find the Smooth Sale!

  • Read Additional Sales Strategies:
    Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results, Sourcebooks
  • HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews, Career Press
Picture of Elinor Stutz

Elinor Stutz

Elinor Stutz, CEO of Smooth Sale, was honored by Open View Labs with inclusion in their international list of “Top 25 Sales Influencers for 2012.” Elinor authored the International Best-Selling book, “Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results”, Sourcebooks and the best selling career book, “HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews”, Career Press. She provides team sales training, private coaching and highly acclaimed inspirational keynotes for conferences. Elinor is available for consultation. Kred ranks Stutz as a Top 1% influencer; CEO World Magazine named Stutz as one of “The brightest sales minds to follow on Twitter”. She speaks and consults worldwide.


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