Use Pricing as a Strategy
Every business owner needs to weigh a new fee increase against current client loyalty, and the risk involved. Most everyone has experience with using a service for several years that suddenly requests fees well beyond what is considered reasonable.
A steep rate hike is the point of no return for most customers. Before making such …

Two Keys Unlock Future Success
When our communication reflects that our intuitive thought and beliefs are in alignment, we come across as genuine and heartfelt. Underlying all of this are our values and priorities making them the two keys to unlock future success.
Others need to see that we are looking out for everyone’s well-being including your own. Otherwise, a …

Love Your Job? Put an Exit Plan in Place.
When you hate your job, you often think about leaving it. But when you are happy with your work putting an exit plan into place seems somewhat bizarre. Nevertheless, smart employees should always be prepared to quit their job tomorrow.
The reason is that the future is always unknowable. Just because your job satisfaction is …

Build Influence On High
We may learn much from today’s political scene. Newscasters and folks on Twitter are now tallying “Pinocchio” statements for those in the news. That is, counting the lies that spew forth is now in full force in addition to becoming a game. In the business world, no one lasts long when lies are detected.
Trust …

3 Ways Being a Bookworm Translates to Career Success
Reading may have traditionally been seen as one of life’s great pleasures, but in the age of smartphones, game consoles and Netflix, amusing oneself with blocks of unmoving text has become increasingly unappealing. Amongst American adults, 1 in 4 read no books at all.
But books are important. They fire our imagination and immerse us …

Are You Ready to Embrace Objections?
Objections are your friend, embrace them with all your heart!
The opening line may seem a bit peculiar. However, there is truth to those words. Objections are the elements of the conversation that reveal the truth.
Consider this, how often on job interviews or sales meetings do you walk away to feel as if all …

Do You Seriously Qualify Opportunities?
We have all seen experiences with others ‘go south.’ Sometimes an intuitive thought will tell us not to proceed, but we ignore it. After the fact, we regret having moved forward.
On occasion, it is simply the technology that fouls up the project. But other times, we do not appreciate the way in which others …

5 Famous Productivity Mantras That Will Ruin Your Career
For many of us, business and busyness go hand-in-hand. Modern workers are constantly bemoaning the conundrum of having to get ever-more done in ever-less time. In this atmosphere, it is hardly surprising that legions of productivity-boosting hints & tips have proliferated. Each latest incarnation promises us a sure-fire route to To-Do List Zero, if we …

Objections Lead to Success
Upon hearing, ‘that’s not what we’re looking for’ most people stop in their tracks. They don’t know how to respond in meetings. Consequently, these folks leave the room as quickly as possible. All hope for a beneficial outcome disappears, but this could be turned around with the right conversational strategy.
Objections are another type of …

How to Make Friends at Work
I previously emphasized the importance of having friends at work in my blog post “Why You Need to Have Friends at Work”. However, for introverts or for people who are not sure how to befriend a coworker, below are some tips.
Be Positive: People like positive energy. Say “Hello” or “Good Morning” when you walk…