Tag: success

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit Building

3 Ways Being a Bookworm Translates to Career Success

Reading may have traditionally been seen as one of life’s great pleasures, but in the age of smartphones, game consoles and Netflix, amusing oneself with blocks of unmoving text has become increasingly unappealing. Amongst American adults, 1 in 4 read no books at all.

But books are important. They fire our imagination and immerse us …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit Building

5 Famous Productivity Mantras That Will Ruin Your Career

For many of us, business and busyness go hand-in-hand. Modern workers are constantly bemoaning the conundrum of having to get ever-more done in ever-less time. In this atmosphere, it is hardly surprising that legions of productivity-boosting hints & tips have proliferated. Each latest incarnation promises us a sure-fire route to To-Do List Zero, if we …

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Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

How to Make Friends at Work

I previously emphasized the importance of having friends at work in my blog post “Why You Need to Have Friends at Work”. However, for introverts or for people who are not sure how to befriend a coworker, below are some tips.

Be Positive: People like positive energy. Say “Hello” or “Good Morning” when you walk…
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