Personal Branding Weekly and LinkedIn Word of Mouth
Editor’s Note: Did you see the relevant and helpful posts about your brand at holiday parties? Or, how about the post that you still (and always) need a business card? Do you agree?
From securing a mentor to how to brand yourself when you have years of experience – take a look …
7 Tips for Hearing More and Doing More
Listen up! Yes You! Listen up!
It’s not just for coaches and teachers anymore. Give the person speaking the courtesy of your attention. Your conversations will go smoother and faster. You will be able to get more done in less time.
This is especially true for face to face meetings. It is also true for …
One Sentence You Should Never Say at Work
Our jobs can be a challenge amidst all the change that invariably is happening at our companies. Whether we are at a fast growing start-up, a huge corporation adapting to new market conditions and competitors or somewhere in between, odds are this is a reality of work.
No matter what your job, company or industry, …
Never Negotiate for Yourself
There is a simple reason for why you should never negotiate for yourself. It’s too hard to be objective. I’m suggesting you think like an agent.
It’s much easier to ask for what you want when you are negotiating for a 3rd party. Even if that third party is your pet goldfish.
Why a 3rd…Recipe For Success: Love What You Do!
I have been in the small business world for several decades as an educator, sales professional, entrepreneur. At many points, we face challenge, failure, triumph and success. One driver of perseverance, I have observed in those that endure and thrive, is a passion and deep belief in what they do, what their calling is and …
What Makes You Valuable
You are only as valuable as your last sale. You are only as valuable as your Rolodex.
Have you heard these lines before? Do you believe them? Do you live by them?
I hope you’ve heard of them, but I hope you haven’t based your career on them.
There are some that think what makes …
10 Tips for Trade Show Sponsors
Tradeshows serve a purpose. Tradeshows are also very expensive.
Trade Shows are the Most Expensive leads you’ll ever generate. Make sure you Do Events Right. The First Time and Every Time.
This post is for SPONSORS of booths at trade shows. Whether you are part of a global company and especially if you are part …
How to Speak to an Executive
Most of us have been asked the old cliché, scenario.
“What would you say if you were in the elevator with the CEO of your company and you had to pitch him/her an idea but only had the time from when the elevator left the lobby to when it reached their floor?”
The ability to …
6 Reasons Why People Don’t Succeed
Is success relative?
Shouldn’t success be defined by what we believe, rather than defined for us by what others think? When you look at different people who you believe are successful, what do they do and have in common?
America’s Foremost Business Philosopher Jim Rohn believes, “failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. We do …
5 Strategic Tips for A Successful Job Search
Ships of all sizes are built with one thing in mind: floating. Even if their hulls are breached, ships have a unique construction feature that allows them to continue floating. They are made of many compartments that can be sealed off in the event of an accident, to isolate what could otherwise be a dire …