Convert Annoyances into Content and Improved Relationships
Undoubtedly we have all been thoroughly annoyed in the past by someone else’ thoughtless behavior. This week a person trying to “sell me” contradicted her previous words regarding the monetary amount in question. Nothing irks me more than retracting what was initially agreed upon.
As business people, the most significant point to remember is the …
Winning Strategies for Being Social
Conversation and writing are two key communication connectors that will either influence a negative or positive response. Striving to influence positively will ultimately lead to increased sales.
Negative Conversation Example
Twice during a twenty-minute conversation, I was stopped mid-sentence to be told I was going back on what was previously stated. That isn’t my personal …
Drive Sales Exponentially to Exceed Year End Goals
The last week of August and beginning week of September normally sees people vacating their offices headed for vacation. It becomes a smart strategy to spend ample time anticipating what may be achieved upon everyone’s return to work.
New Projects
What new ideas do you have in mind for the last quarter of the year? …
Easily Exceed Year End Goals
Given that the end of summer is fast approaching many are preparing to take vacation. During this more relaxed time period, spend ample time anticipating what may be achieved upon everyone’s return to work.
Dates to Review
If you haven’t already, in the future ask your clientele when they anticipate taking vacation. Note the dates …
7 Steps to Revamp and Fuel Business
Most likely you will agree that some weeks are better than others. In fact, some days and weeks are ones we wish we never experienced. The one culprit at the center of these unfortunate incidents is miscommunication.
The biggest problem in front of us when miscommunication arises is the fact that we do not want …
Attitude Edition: The 5 things that can help you succeed
The Five Things That Can Help You Succeed: the Attitude Edition
The information is ubiquitous: our attitudes color how we see the world, how we respond to stimuli, and can even affect our health. So how can we cultivate the kind of attitude that helps us succeed at work? Here are five attitude factors …
Which Path Appeals to You?
What if…?
The lack of time to get everything done, myriad of special requests, and the need to do extra research will sometimes put us in a tailspin. What if a routine commitment suddenly required hours of research without extra income – would you politely decline or accept the responsibility?
This type of decision is …
Eliminate Excruciating Problems Fast With 1 Simple Rhyme
You know how badly you need some go-to life hacks that really work.
We all do. We need super effective strategies that don’t involve buying one more app, signing up for a new dashboard or watching instructions on YouTube.
You certainly don’t need to be touted about TaskRabbit or Fiverr or any of these so-called …
5 Reasons Why You Need a Buddy System
If you have ever felt:
Behind on projects Uncertain how to handle delicate situations Caught in the middle of opposing viewpointsThen you may wish to seriously consider the following 5 reasons why you need a buddy system.
Boring tasks will keep us from accomplishing our important goals. Accountability is a tough one to …
Does Passion Guarantee Success?
“I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.” Walt Disney
Have you ever found yourself sitting at a table with someone who only talks about themselves excessively and their theories about life and business are juvenile, overly simplistic and …