Ask One Question to Help You Set Your Priorities
Warning: This will come across as harsh.
Being that this is the graduation season this might be the most critical nugget you (or someone you know) needs to put their career on the right path. By asking The One Question you may be able to set your career on the perfect trajectory. But, at what …

The Gig Economy and The Rise of the Uber-Specialists
Does the gig economy encourage the rise of the Uber Specialist?
Where Uber Specialist means a person with deep and specific skills.
Note: This has NOTHING to do with the car service.
Effectively this is the market and model for independent consultants since the dawn of time. Where someone has a unique skill that people …

The Rise of the Specialist
I have a theory.
It’s been developing for a few years.
It’s been tested over the past couple of years.
And it may be coming to a head now.
Did the Great Recession Create Specialists?
This is one conclusion I have come to. I’ve not tested it extensively with regressive and longitudinal studies, but I …