Hey Mediocrity, You Can Eat Me
Mediocrity– a disease that is spreading slowly through the ranks of small business owners and professionals across the country. It is infiltrating employees, products, services, and marketing…slowly dissecting and eating away at what YOU have worked so hard to build.
I see it happening on a daily basis (even in my own company at times). …
5-Steps for Creating a Social Media Marketing Campaign for Your Brand
I’m a huge planner. I plan out just about everything in advance. You should see my whiteboard—full of to-dos for the day. If my day requires planning, so too should your personal brand.
Set goals for your social media marketing campaignWe all know the Internet is a great place to build your personal brand, …
Defining Your Brand via 6 Traits that Make You a Leader
I finished reading Lisa Orrell’s Millennials Into Leadership: The Ultimate Guide for Gen Y’s Aspiring to Be Effective, Respected, Young Leaders at Work this week. Wow! What a great resource for tomorrow’s leaders.
Traits That Make You a Great LeaderIn Millennials Into Leadership, Orrell discusses “defining your brand by documenting the traits that you …
The Tri-Fecta of Opportunity: Personal Branding, Social Media and Inbound Marketing
Lately, I’ve had some interesting conversations on Personal Branding, Social Media and Inbound Marketing. I really enjoy writing and speaking about these topics because they are the new frontier of the Web 2.0 marketplace. And when combined properly they can create massive opportunity where it would not have existed before.
Once upon a success story……Why Would Any Company Care About Personal Brands?
With all the buzz about personal branding, I’m often asked, why would a company care about an employee’s personal brand?
Every industry along with the companies within that industry have acronyms that they use exclusively. J.L.P. is one acronym used by well known international retail giant. It stands for “just like picture”. And, now copycat …
4 Personal Branding Tips Learned From Corporations
Companies have long understood the power of branding. They spend millions of dollars a year making a brand promise to customers that goes beyond the technical and physical attributes of a particular product. They build an identity that customers feel safe choosing over the competition.
So, what four specific takeaways can you get from corporate …
Personal Brands Celebrate!
By now you’ve probably amazed yourself with your ability to stick to your resolutions! LOL.
Don’t worry. Now is NOT the right time to assess how 2010 is going – or how you’re doing. The only thing to judge during week two of the year is this:
Do you have a clear, crisp, compelling focus …
My Top 4 Personal Branding Goals for 2010
I can’t believe it’s already 2010. Not only did we end another year, but we ended another decade. Ten years ago, I didn’t have an established personal brand. But now, in 2010, I’m excited about planning ahead for growing my brand over the next year—and decade.
Plan your work and work your planEveryone knows …
On Personal Brand Destruction, Hockey and the 2010 Winter Olympics
How you take rejection can determine whether or not you’ll need to do so again.
A really interesting personal branding-related story took place last week on the road to next month’s Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, and as an avid hockey fan, I’m glad to have finally found a way to sneak my love of …
3 Ways to Use Search and Authenticity in Personal Branding
I was skimming through Chris Brogan’s posts and happened across a post called: A Counterpoint to the Branding Craze. This caught my attention because I am a huge advocate for branding, in both the personal and professional world.
I have tried to use my blog to create a brand identity for myself and my company …