How to Develop a Webshow to Showcase Your Personal Brand
A webshow is a fabulous way to share your expertise while boosting your brand online. It’s an interactive way to reach your audience and help them get to know you in a way that written words on a blog simply cannot.
Here are a few steps to take to start your own showStep one: …
Become More of a Change-Maker for Yourself
“Don’t wait until you are out of work or laid off to change. If we have learned one huge lesson from the current employment scenario, its pay attention to and keep changing with change.”
In the summer of 2005, I realized that my 23 year career in broadcast radio was about to change dramatically. I …
How to Cultivate your Creative Juices
The tagline for TED, Ideas Worth Spreading, is a brilliant one. Simple and inspiring. So that’s what I’m doing here. I can’t resist spreading the word about creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson whose TED talk is about the learning process, and the need for an educational revolution. His focus? How to create conditions where kids’ …
A Cup of Coffee to LinkedIn Updates
When was the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile?
As an important piece of your personal brand, your profile should have up-to-date information and actually be interesting enough to entice a visitor to spend a little more time reading.
In the time it takes you to finish your cup of coffee, you can improve …
What’s Your Preference, Thinking or Feeling?
Are you someone who prefers an impersonal work environment or do you seek a more personal touch? Identifying your personality preference for thinking or feeling helps you understand how your approach to work aligns with the task-oriented business world.
Personality type theory tells us there are two qualitatively different processes we can use when solving …
Creating Momentum in Brand Building
As I’ve blogged about recently, it’s important to keep up branding resolutions, add personal social media profiles to a corporate website, follow branding rules for entrepreneurs, and so forth.
And all of these ideas should be followed to ensure a complete branding across the social web. However, many of these rules assume you have fully …
Did TweetDeck Just Ruin Twitter For Us All?
Why you should avoid’s dreaded long tweets and more.
One thing I like to teach is that if you want someone to do something, make it as easy as possible for them to do it. Sometimes this advice can backfire when it comes to something that you DON’T want people to do.
TweetDeck, recently …
Sledding Through Life
We all aspire to have our lives proceed like an afternoon of sledding on a snow-covered hill. We seek to position ourselves so that our lives effortlessly glide along at a pace so exhilarating that the wind seems to blow through our hair. Wwwweeee!!! And as we whip along, our networks grow and our personal …
Lessons Learned from 3 Recent Personal Branding Disasters
It’s easy to see other’s personal brands take a turn for the worse when they’re in the spotlight. But it’s important to take lessons from those disasters. Let’s take a look at some recent issues facing public figures:
Hosni MubarakIf you follow global news (and even if you don’t), you’ve heard about the recent …
This Is So Funny, It Happened To Me Too!
“If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears.” – Glenn Clark
How do you express your sense of humor without going overboard, off the edge, or over the top online and in person? I think this is really hard to do, but if …