Tag: maria elena duron

Communication & NetworkingInterviewRelationships & Personal Growth

Revealed: PBB Experts and Personal Branding Success

Success stories are inspiring, so I asked every Personal Branding Blog contributor to describe when they first felt their own personal branding success.


Dan Schawbel:

There were two main instances that had proved the power of personal branding to me and they both happened in unison.  First, after six months between March 14th and …

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingNetworkingPositioningRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

The 5Ps of Marketing

Marketing, by definition, is creating a positive environment for exchange. It could be exchange of goods and services. Yet, in today’s economy, it also includes the exchange of human resources for financial resources.

You as the product

Viewing yourself as the product that you are marketing, might help you in wrapping your mind around the …