How to Get Ready for Generation Z
In a few years, a new generation, Gen Z, will take over the work force. Unlike any other generation, this generation was born with technology so they are true digital natives. They can do many things in seconds using their phones such as editing a document, buying a plane ticket, taking photos and videos and …

Should You Focus on Your Competitor’s Brand? 7 Things to Remember

How to Resolve Problems
Long ago, it was advised to create a working document whenever a serious issue arises. This advice applies to career related or personal circumstance that is in need of resolution.
Review Past ActionThe best way to proceed is to look back and examine how you handled past poor experiences to recognize where improvement should …

4 Simple Ways to Project Authority
“Power” [noun] (1) The ability to do something or act in a certain way (2) The ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events
Power has a bad rep in the workplace. Too many terrible managers have made too many people associate authority with arrogance and autocracy. But, as …

How to Improve Your Employee Development Programs
As an entrepreneur, you have your work cut out for you. You have operations to manage, books to balance and strategies to plan. With all those balls to juggle, can anyone blame you for putting programs like employee development on the back burner?
Even so, you’ll want to push career development programs higher up your …

5 Professionals to Hire to Grow Your Business
When your business is just getting off the ground, it’s often just you and your partners burning both the midnight oil and the candle at both ends. Once you’re going somewhere, it can be a great learning experience to handle all components of business operations — but eventually, you’re going to need help.
As your …
Is There Really Cross-Cultural Communication?
As a corporate director of global marketing, a former Coke executive (in 190 countries around the world) and an instructor of Global Marketing at UCLAx: I could not be more cross-culturally inclined. So, with all the authority that I can muster, I tell you this.
There is zero communication between people of different countries or …
Evil Does Exist. It May be One of Your Coworkers.
Narcissists are among the most interesting coworkers. They are also repugnant, disruptive and poisonous to a business, and potentially to your career. That is, if your narcissist sees you as anything except a reflection of his or her greatness. So, you must interact with your narcissist as if everything she does deserves nothing but positive …
Small Business Leaders Under-Estimate Power of Their Communication
Someone on LinkedIn last week commented on an article I published in 2014 about “open-door” policies saying, “I used to work for a boss that told us that HE had an ‘open-door policy’ with ‘My door is always open… So please walk by quietly!’ ”
“This manager did often joke about things and this may …
Eliminate Excruciating Problems Fast With 1 Simple Rhyme
You know how badly you need some go-to life hacks that really work.
We all do. We need super effective strategies that don’t involve buying one more app, signing up for a new dashboard or watching instructions on YouTube.
You certainly don’t need to be touted about TaskRabbit or Fiverr or any of these so-called …