Tag: job search

Relationships & Personal Growth

Beware The ‘Tell Me About Yourself’ Job Interview Question!

While to many, if not most, job seekers the question seems nothing more than a “throw-away,” “warm-up” question, actually, the “Tell me about yourself” question—also known as the “90-second elevator speech”—is one of the most critical elements to consider when preparing for a job  interview, and you would be well advised to treat it as …

Relationships & Personal Growth

6 Secrets For ‘Six-Pack’ Abs And Successful Job-Hunting

Pick up any fashion magazine today and you’ll quickly notice that all the male (and even some of the female) models, in addition to being in obviously excellent physical condition, sport impressive “six-pack” abs—regardless of the product they are modeling, e.g., shirts, blue jeans, underwear, etc., and the manufacturers are trying to sell.

In the …

Relationships & Personal Growth

Use Of ‘Militaryspeak’ Can Seriously Hamper Job-Hunting Vets

Editor’s Note: This week’s blog is an adaptation of an article Skip Freeman is soon publishing on VeteranCentral.com, a dynamic new website for the veteran community and those who support our veterans, including prospective employers. Skip, a veteran himself, is a distinguished graduate of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, and later was …