Tag: job hunting

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

What Can “Angry Birds” Teach You About Getting Hired?

Part 1 (the pig’s lair)

What in the world can “Angry Birds,” the ubiquitous, phenomenally popular game for hand held devices by Rovio Mobile, teach you about getting hired? You might be surprised to learn that the answer to this question is PLENTY!

“Angry Birds” just passed the 100 million downloads mark. If you have …

Brand Yourself AsJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

How Do You Get Hired? First, Don’t Lose!

In the Amazon.com bestselling job hunting book “Headhunter” Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed….Forever! we teach you how to approach getting hired using game theory. In other words:

Hiring is definitely a game It has rules (which have dramatically changed since 2009) And there are strategies

And when you approach going …

Job SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal Growth

2011 Job Market to Become Even More Competitive

If you thought last year’s job market was tough—and it certainly was!—then brace yourself for the 2011 job market because it could shape up to be a whole lot tougher! To effectively and successfully compete in the 2011 job market you’re really going to have to “up your game”!

Applicant-to-job ratio

You’re probably familiar with …