5 Tips to Ease Into the Money Conversation
The topic of money appears to be very scary for those who most need to bring up the topic. This group would include sales professionals and entrepreneurs.
It is critical to become comfortable with the subject, because otherwise you may well kill the sale. The reason is people begin to think the following of you:…
6 Errors to Avoid As You Build Sales
Make Your Prospective Client the Star Attraction
Wrong Focus
The biggest problem most people unwittingly make while attempting to sell is they lose focus for what is truly important. Sales can be so easy if you are willing to just stop and think about your prospective client instead of your own goals.
It’s up to …
Reach Larger Audiences with Succinct and Thoughtful Communication
Geometry tells us that a diagonal is the shortest path. Likewise, succinct communication with the end goal in mind is the shortest route for accomplishment. However, with communication it is necessary to be aware of balancing directness with diplomacy.
Providing and Accepting Feedback
Stomachs sometimes turn upon hearing very negative feedback. However, it is these …
Massage and Redirect Business Aches into New Revenue Streams
Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs find themselves alone with thoughts of quitting when initial trials continually turn out to be errors. Depression sets in while the thought of quitting the endeavor magnifies to appear as the only option. But we all know that options are infinite.
The next choice is what truly matters. When these down days …
Would You Improve Communication With Your Clientele?
Many people make the pronouncement that they specialize in… Only when you approach them to learn more, it turns out they don’t know a whole lot about your segment of the population. Their misleading statement turns into wasted time and frustration.
The improved approach is to wait until you fully understand your targeted clientele before …
Conversation and Questions Move to Yes
Experience and observation teaches almost all you need to know in terms of what not to do in regards to meeting someone for the first time. The moment you become irritated or downright angry is the perfect time to make a mental note to not do the same. And if you are into empowering your …
Why Do You Benefit from Boot Camp?
A boot camp is a famously crushing work out with a drill instructor yelling at you. Or a personal trainer screaming to do “four more.” Why would anyone go to a boot camp? Because it’s actually an immersion, a totally dedicated and focused period of time when you do all the things you should do …
Convert Annoyances into Content and Improved Relationships
Undoubtedly we have all been thoroughly annoyed in the past by someone else’ thoughtless behavior. This week a person trying to “sell me” contradicted her previous words regarding the monetary amount in question. Nothing irks me more than retracting what was initially agreed upon.
As business people, the most significant point to remember is the …
Winning Strategies for Being Social
Conversation and writing are two key communication connectors that will either influence a negative or positive response. Striving to influence positively will ultimately lead to increased sales.
Negative Conversation Example
Twice during a twenty-minute conversation, I was stopped mid-sentence to be told I was going back on what was previously stated. That isn’t my personal …
Drive Sales Exponentially to Exceed Year End Goals
The last week of August and beginning week of September normally sees people vacating their offices headed for vacation. It becomes a smart strategy to spend ample time anticipating what may be achieved upon everyone’s return to work.
New Projects
What new ideas do you have in mind for the last quarter of the year? …