Tag: career planning

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Obsolete Information Brands Job Seekers As Obsolete

Could one of your job search problems be that you’re using obsolete information?

How do you think obsolete job search information causes you to brand yourself on your resume and during an interview?

When you use obsolete information in your job research, you focus on keywords, employer issues and employer problems that aren’t problems anymore …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

How Objective Statements Affect Your Personal Brand

I get asked this question at least once a week – “What do you think about objective statements?”

What I think isn’t important. What the reader of your resume thinks … that’s what’s critical.

Objective statements became a standard part of traditional resumes when there were candidate shortages. When there were candidate shortages, it was …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Personalized Hiring Manager References Improve Your Personal Brand

Your references can mean the difference between being winning the job vs just being a finalist.

Can your references increase the chances you’ll actually win the job over the other finalists?

Think about your references from past employers. Sure, all your references probably say great things about you (otherwise you probably wouldn’t list them as …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Personal Branding In 6 Seconds And 15 Seconds

Your resume branding is used in different ways for different employer decisions. To personally brand yourself well, you’ll want to understand how 6 second branding is different than 15 second branding.

6 Second Branding

Your 6 second brand is critical because your audience takes an average 6 seconds to decide if you’re qualified or not, …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Are You Branding Yourself As A Job Stalker?

Nobody means to brand themselves as a job stalker – yet job seekers accidentally do this every day.

What you view as innocently being proactive and following-up can easily cross the razors edge into crazy stalker, without you realizing what you’ve done.

Being proactive is appreciated, if you’re the top candidate – it confirms to …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Cover Letters – Poor Choice For Job Seeker Branding

Most job seekers use cover letters to try to differentiate themselves, but cover letters are a lousy way to differentiate yourself as a job seeker today.

Your personal brand is the first impression you give to readers.

Your personal brand is used to decide if you’re qualified or not. TheLadders’ heat mapping study of how …