Tag: Brand Attributes

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

5 Branding Moves To Turn Your Co-Workers Against You

With employees spending more time in the workplace than ever before, functioning with co-workers has become essential. It’s easy to find some annoyances when spending so much time with a group of people, but what if you’re doing something that’s secretly turning your teammates against you?

Self-assessment is a crucial part of maintaining your personal …

NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

How to Develop Thought Leadership

Thought leadership in an industry is important to generate inbound leads and have clients come to you. Sales is thought of traditionally as a result of cold-calling or cold-emailing — purely from hard work in developing relationships and pushing for the sale. But the smart marketer or salesperson understands that sales conversions greatly increase when …

Brand Identity & Self-DiscoveryNetworkingRelationships & Personal Growth

Personal Branding Weekly and Let Your Brand Flag Fly

Personal Branding Weekly

This week I met an entrepreneur/car salesman.  He was beginning his business and working at a dealership while building his business.  Of course, I gravitated towards his story and found it hard to focus on the actual purchasing discussions wanting to spend more time on discussing his entrepreneurial endeavors.  Then came the …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingProject ManagementRelationships & Personal Growth

Push The Bottom Line With Employee Input

Some people are labor. They want to come in and do certain set things. Whether it be fixing toilets or submitting annual reports, this employee is not looking to innovate, think critically or in general, create positive change. Businesses NEED people like this. Not everyone wants the added responsibility of creating the path, some just …