How To Choose Your Personal Brand – Part I
Do you have your basics covered?
If you’re just getting started with personal branding, here’s what you need to keep in mind as you design your brand.
If you’ve already chosen a personal brand, use this guide to make sure you haven’t missed anything, or perhaps to realize that you can get better results with …
Personal Branding Lessons from the Presidential Debates
Although we’re led to believe the presidential debates are simply a forum for candidates to express their beliefs and policy ideas, much of what you hear from the candidates is pre-planned and rehearsed. In short, a lot of what you see can be chalked up to branding.
When it comes to personal branding, both verbal …
How To Look Credible Even If You Lack Experience
Q&A With Pete Leibman, Author of “I Got My Dream Job and So Can You”
“Dear Pete: How can I look credible if I’m just getting started in a new field?”
Pete’s Response:
If you have been featured on national TV or have written a best-selling book, you don’t need to worry about being seen …
Brand Ryan Says 30% are Takers?
Wow, what a brand platform! First, Republican candidate Romney pronounces 48% of us as not taking responsibility for ourselves, and then his running mate Ryan says 30% of us are “takers” not “makers.”
Who is the angry candidate? Who seems foreign to America?
The current Republican brand – or at least the brand that’s pounding …
How Non-Communicators Can Showcase Communication Skills
Unless you work in a communications field (i.e., journalism, public relations, marketing), it can be hard to showcase the oh-so-important communication skills employers look for. You might not have links to hundreds of blog posts you’ve written. For example, graphic designers often have little cause to demonstrate their superior writing skills, yet employers still want …
The Bain of Obama’s Brand
If everything good about you was eclipsed by someone’s loud voice, if everything you believed was in the shadow of someone else who communicated better – you would be angry. But if anger were the cryponite of your brand – the one thing that if you were, you would never get where you wanted to …
Are You A Catalyst?
There is a popular saying paraphrased from Gandhi that says, “be the change you want to see in the world”. I adapted this for this article to say “be the catalyst you want to see in the world”, someone who makes good things happen. This creates energy, vitality, good will and ultimately results and success.…
Is Your Personal Brand Going to Make You Obsolete?
Caution: Is your personal brand going to drive your success throughout your working life, or–at some point–is your brand going to make you obsolete?
Today, thanks to Dan Schawbel’s pioneering efforts, a lot of attention is paid to building personal brands. An equal amount of attention is paid to addressing the issues involved in maintaining …
Oh Canada, Why Did I Say That?
You might think of Canada as a suburb of the USA, after all that is for the most part, the way we treat it. It seems to be moving through space just a bit north of us. Canada has cowboys, entrepreneurs, waiters, teachers and the assortment of “ologists” and others we have.
But on my …
Personal Branding Accelerates Professional Advancement
Smart, strategic personal branding can accelerate professional advancement. There is no getting around it, ignoring its importance, or doing it half heartedly.
What a smart, strategic personal branding plan and blueprint can do is frame what you stand for and how to stand out, get noticed and become credible in your field or community. How …