8 signs you aren’t a genuine priority in your partner’s life, according to a relationship expert

Do you ever feel like an afterthought in your own relationship?

Maybe their words say you matter, but their actions tell a different story.

It’s frustrating, confusing, and let’s be honest—downright hurtful.

Here’s the truth: in a healthy relationship, you should feel valued, cherished, and like you genuinely belong at the top of your partner’s priority list.

If that’s not happening, it’s worth taking a closer look.

Wondering if you’re truly a priority or just an option?

Let’s explore 8 clear signs that reveal whether your place in their life is as secure as it should be.

1) They’re always busy

We all have our busy days, weeks, or even months.

But if your partner seems to be perpetually occupied and can’t find time for you, that’s a red flag.

Being in a relationship means creating space for your loved ones amidst your daily routine.

If your partner is consistently prioritizing work, friends, or hobbies over you, it might be time to sit down and have a serious heart-to-heart.

Remember, being busy is often a choice, not a compulsion.

If your partner truly values you, they will make an effort to include you in their life and prioritize your needs.

This isn’t about demanding all of their time, but about feeling valued and important in their life.

If “I’m too busy” becomes a constant refrain, it may indicate that you’re not as high on their priority list as they are on yours.

2) Lack of meaningful communication

Communication is the lifeblood of any relationship.

Without it, we’re just ships passing in the night.

In my years as a relationship counselor, I’ve noticed that when a person isn’t a priority, their partner often stops making an effort to engage in deep and meaningful conversations with them.

If your talks have dwindled down to mere logistics and small talk, it might be a sign that you’re not a genuine priority.

Conversations about dreams, aspirations, and feelings are what bind people together.

They’re the threads that weave the fabric of intimacy.

3) You’re always the one initiating

In a balanced relationship, both parties should be putting in the effort to keep the connection alive.

If you find that you’re always the one initiating plans, texts, or even conversations, it’s a clear sign that something is off.

This kind of one-sided effort can be draining and leave you feeling unappreciated.

It’s not about keeping score, but about mutual participation in nurturing the relationship.

In my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I delve into how to recognize and break free from such patterns of behavior.

It’s an essential read if you’re feeling stuck in this kind of dynamic.

A relationship should never feel like a solo effort.

4) They’re overly generous with gifts

Now, this might seem counterintuitive. How can being showered with presents be a sign that you’re not a priority?

Well, as surprising as it may sound, excessive gift-giving can sometimes mask a lack of emotional investment.

If your partner is constantly buying you expensive gifts or surprising you with grand gestures but falls short when it comes to emotional intimacy and time spent together, it could be a red flag.

Gifts are wonderful, but they should never replace the more substantial aspects of a relationship like communication, trust, and quality time together.

Remember, the most valuable gift anyone can give is their time and attention.

Material things can never replace the feeling of being genuinely cherished and valued.

5) They seldom involve you in future plans

Having been in a long-term relationship myself, I know how important it is to envision a future together.

It’s not about planning every detail, but more about seeing each other in the big picture.

If your partner often talks about future plans – like vacations, career changes, or even simple weekend outings – without considering your involvement, it could be a sign that you’re not a priority.

When you truly matter to someone, they will naturally weave you into their future plans and decisions, because they can’t imagine them without you.

6) Your needs are often dismissed

Let’s get real here. If your partner regularly dismisses your feelings, needs, or concerns, it’s a glaring sign that they’re not prioritizing you.

We all deserve to be with someone who:

  • Values our feelings
  • Listens to our worries
  • Respects our needs

If your partner often brushes these things aside or trivializes them, it’s not just disrespectful – it’s downright hurtful.

Your feelings are valid, and if they’re making you feel otherwise, it’s time to stand up for yourself.

You deserve to be heard, loved, and prioritized. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.

7) They avoid difficult conversations

In my years as a relationship expert, I’ve learned that the willingness to engage in difficult conversations is a mark of a healthy and mature relationship.

If your partner avoids conflict or tough conversations at all costs, it could be a sign that they’re not ready to invest the emotional labor required in a relationship.

It’s through these challenging discussions that we:

  • Grow closer
  • Understand each other better
  • Build a stronger bond

If your partner isn’t willing to engage in these difficult but necessary conversations, it might show that you’re not a priority in their life.

8) They don’t respect your boundaries

This is a tough one, but it needs to be said.

If your partner consistently crosses or disregards your boundaries, it’s a clear sign that they don’t prioritize your comfort and well-being.

Your partner should respect your boundaries without making you feel guilty or unreasonable, whether it’s about:

  • Personal space
  • Time with friends
  • Emotional boundaries

Ignoring your boundaries is not just disrespectful, it’s a violation of your personal rights.

It shows a lack of regard for your feelings and well-being.

Wrapping up

Recognizing these signs can be a challenging but crucial step in understanding where you stand in your partner’s life.

But remember, it’s not about pointing fingers or laying blame.

It’s about acknowledging the reality of your situation and making informed decisions about your relationship.

If you’ve identified with any of these signs, I would highly recommend delving into my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship.

It provides practical advice and insights to navigate through such situations.

Lastly, always remember that you deserve to be a priority, not an option.

Because love isn’t just about finding the right person, but also about being the right person for someone else.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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