7 signs a woman is romantically interested in you but is waiting for you to make a move

Wondering if a certain woman might be into you but is holding back, waiting for you to take the first step?

It can be a tough thing to decipher—sometimes attraction is subtle, and mixed signals only make it harder to figure out what’s really going on.

If you’re feeling a spark but aren’t sure whether she feels the same, it’s worth paying attention to a few telling signs that she’s waiting for you to make a move.

Today, we’re diving into seven such signs.

Let’s get into ‘em!

1) She engages in prolonged eye contact

One of the most classic signs that a woman is into you is through her eyes.

In this world where distractions are everywhere, getting someone’s undivided attention is hard. When a woman not only looks at you but also maintains that eye contact, it’s quite significant.

As noted by Healthline, several studies have shown eye contact and attraction have an undeniable connection.

Eye contact is a very intimate act. It’s a non-verbal way of saying, “I see you and I want to connect with you”. It’s a silent way of expressing interest and an invitation for you to engage further.

However, do note that cultural norms and individual comfort levels can play a big role here. So don’t solely rely on this sign. As we go along, we’ll discuss more subtle cues that can help you decipher her feelings.

2) She finds reasons to be around you

This might sound obvious but it’s a big one. When a woman is romantically interested in you, she’ll likely want to spend more time with you. This might mean finding reasons to be around you more often.

This could mean finding reasons to be around you more often, like “accidentally” running into you at your favorite coffee shop, volunteering to help with a project you’re working on, or suggesting group activities where she knows you’ll be present.

These “coincidences” are often intentional ways of getting close and staying connected, even if it’s under the guise of casual interactions.

When someone repeatedly seeks your presence, it’s usually because they enjoy it. But when it’s paired with the little extra effort to align schedules or cross paths “by accident,” there’s often a romantic undertone to it.

It’s her subtle way of signaling, “I want to be around you”—and maybe hoping you’ll take the hint.

3) She remembers the little things

Ever notice that she remembers small details about you—things even your friends might miss?

Research suggests that we tend to remember more information about people we find attractive or intriguing.

When a woman is interested, she’ll often recall the little things you’ve shared: your favorite coffee order, a random story you told, or even that obscure band you mentioned.

These seemingly small details actually reveal a lot; remembering them shows she’s paying close attention and values what you say. It’s also likely a sign she’s tuned into you on a deeper level.

Basically, her attention to these “small” details can be her way of showing she cares and, perhaps, waiting for you to recognize her interest

4) She shows vulnerability

Let’s get real. Opening up and showing vulnerability is scary. It makes us human and susceptible to getting hurt.

However, it’s also a fundamental part of building a genuine connection. As so beautifully put by researcher and author Dr.  Brené Brown, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity.”

Maybe she shares personal stories, expresses her fears, or talks about her dreams and aspirations with you.

This isn’t easy for anyone to do. It’s a raw, honest sign that she feels safe with you. And the fact that she’s letting her guard down could mean she’s waiting for you to take the next step and move the relationship forward.

5) She subtly hints about the future

In my years of experience in understanding relationship dynamics, I’ve noticed that a woman who’s interested in you might subtly hint at the future.

Don’t panic; this doesn’t necessarily mean talking about marriage or kids! It could be as simple as mentioning a concert next month or a new restaurant opening up that she’d like to try.

These subtle future references are her way of seeing if you’re interested in being a part of her life moving forward.

6) She makes physical contact

Have you noticed her casually touching your arm, or shoulder, or even giving a playful nudge?

Well, it might not be so casual after all. Physical contact is one of the oldest, most instinctive ways to show attraction and establish closeness.

As Traci Brown, a body language expert, told Brides, “People touch each other when they want a deeper connection.”

Small gestures like these signal comfort, attraction, and a desire to be closer, even if just for a moment. When someone repeatedly initiates this kind of contact, it’s a good sign they’re hoping you’ll notice their interest and, perhaps, reciprocate.

7) She gets nervous around you

Let’s face it: when we like someone, it’s normal to feel a bit nervous around them. We want to make a good impression and we worry about saying or doing the wrong thing.

If a woman seems slightly nervous or fidgety around you, it might be because she’s interested in you. Maybe she stumbles over her words, laughs nervously, or plays with her hair. These are all signs that she cares about how you perceive her.

Don’t mistake this nervousness for a lack of interest. It’s quite the opposite – it’s raw, honest, and a surefire sign that she’s waiting for you to break the ice and make your move.


Each of these cues—from lingering eye contact to subtle hints about the future—offers a glimpse into her feelings and may even be an invitation for you to take that next step.

If you’ve noticed a few of these signs, consider it a green light but proceed in a respectful way.

Relationships often begin with small gestures and subtle hints—sometimes, all it takes is a step forward to see where it leads.

Good luck, and happy connecting!

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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