Show Your Worth


8412601296_01db5107a5When it comes to you as a person and your brand, society in general tends to declare that characteristics such as humility, or even reticence, are best. And while no one truly likes a conceited know-it-all, I am here to assert that displaying that you are knowledgeable in your industry is something that we all should do and can be done in a respectable manner. As a matter of fact, demonstrating thought leadership and the like is critical to growth and progress in your career. Accordingly, here are some obvious, and potentially not so obvious ways, wherein you can exhibit what you know in a way that helps you and those with whom you work (or may work).


This is the most well-known method to show your expertise nowadays. In a world of content marketing, being a guest contributor or creating your own blog is an easy way to increase credibility and spread quality information. Additionally, there are SEO advantages to blogging which is also helpful in presenting that you are skilled in your industry. Furthermore, blogging is an approach where you have a large amount of control. Self-publish, write on LinkedIn or find one of the many other platforms to spread what you know.

HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

This technique is one that has in the past been seen as hit or miss, but the hits can be great. For those of you who don’t know, HARO is a service that journalists use in order to get quotes, data and other information from industry experts to use in their articles. Writers come from publications ranging from small company blogs all the way up to large trade publications and newspapers. Now, I know from experience that there can be periods of time when it can be frustrating trying to find articles that you can contribute to and there is the added unknown of whether or not the journalist will respond to your reply, however, when you do make the connection, the benefit for your personal brand can be unmeasurable. Worst case scenario, by reviewing HARO requests on a regular basis, you can learn how to craft a better pitch or get an idea what to write for your own blog or other digital property.


Many of you are likely familiar with Quora, the site where people ask questions and you can answer them in order to showcase knowledge. Well, Wiselike is similar, but what I like most about it is the fact that it positions you as an individual better. On Wiselike, people ask you the questions as opposed to putting it out into the ether and hoping people find and answer their questions(s) sufficiently. Furthermore, people can subscribe to your profile on Wiselike and see when you answer a question. Thus, Wiselike is a good way to further position one’s self as someone who is a leader in their industry. This is the platform that I would most recommend because there is also an element and opportunity to network within. If I could “favorite” a social network, this would be the one.

P.O.V. Documents

Generally speaking, P.O.V. or point-of-view documents are part of a company’s internal communications. Nonetheless, that in no way diminishes the importance of the P.O.V. It could be argued that verifying your knowledge of the skill directly to your employment is just as, if not more significant to career growth since the decision makers at your company are likely to review such documentation. In fact, P.O.V. documents are often used in client meetings, presentations or even to sell services. Authoring such documents can quickly get you noticed and help your ascension within your company or career.

Another element of all of these methods is the simple fact that they force you to continue to research, learn and stay up-to-date on current developments in your industry. Having to do this is only of benefit to your job and doing better. Not only will your colleagues than you, your brand will as well and therein lies the win.

Picture of Gary J. Nix

Gary J. Nix

Gary J. Nix is a marketing strategist who is known for integrating traditional principles with digital and experiential execution in order to connect brands and their consumers. He has brought his “the brand is a promise” framework to companies big and small including and his goal is to continually improve the manner by which businesses form relationships with their customers and, subsequently their bottom line, through strategic integrated marketing communication.


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