8 rules for finding love in your 60s and beyond

Love doesn’t have an expiration date.

Whether you’ve spent years on your own, experienced loss, or are simply ready for a fresh start, finding love in your 60s and beyond can be one of the most fulfilling chapters of your life.

While dating might seem different than it did in your younger years, the desire for connection, companionship, and joy remains the same.

If you’re ready to open your heart again, you’re in the perfect place to embrace the journey.

Here are eight empowering rules to guide you in finding meaningful love in this exciting new stage of life.

1) Embrace your age

I can’t stress this enough – age is not a barrier, it’s an asset.

In your 60s and beyond, you’ve lived a life full of experiences. You’ve learned lessons, made mistakes, and grown from them. This wisdom is something that should be celebrated, not hidden.

It’s easy to feel like you’re at a disadvantage in the dating game because of your age. But let’s flip the script here. Think about all the depth and richness you bring to a relationship because of your years.

Your experiences make you unique, they make you interesting.

So when you’re out there looking for love, don’t shy away from your age. Instead, use it as a strength. Share your stories, your lessons, and your wisdom.

Remember that love isn’t just for the young – it’s for the young at heart. And that, my dear friends, can be any age.

2) Stay open to new experiences

Back when I started the Love Connection blog, I had no idea where it would take me. But by staying open to new experiences, I’ve learned and grown in ways I never could have imagined.

And this applies to love too, especially in your 60s and beyond.

So often, we can get stuck in our ways. We think we know what we want and we close ourselves off to anything that doesn’t fit that mold.

But here’s the thing – growth happens outside of our comfort zones. And love, well, it’s rarely comfortable.

Don’t be afraid to try something new. Go on that blind date. Try out that dating app your grandkids keep talking about.

You never know where life’s adventures might take you.

3) Maintain your independence

One thing I’ve learned over the years, both personally and through my research for my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, is the importance of maintaining your independence.

In our 60s and beyond, we’ve spent a lifetime building our identities. We have our hobbies, our passions, and our routines. These shouldn’t be abandoned in the pursuit of love.

In fact, maintaining your independence can actually improve your relationships. It keeps the relationship balanced and ensures that you’re coming into it as a whole person, not looking for someone else to complete you.

So keep doing what you love. Stay true to yourself. And if you’re struggling with codependency issues, don’t hesitate to check out my book. It’s full of practical advice and strategies to help you build healthier relationships.

4) Don’t rush into things

Here’s something you might not expect me to say: slow down.

Yes, I know. Time feels precious, especially in our 60s and beyond. And when we find someone we connect with, it’s natural to want to dive headfirst into the relationship.

But rushing into things can often lead to overlooking red flags or jumping into commitments we’re not ready for.

Take your time. Enjoy the process of getting to know someone new. Savor the excitement of the early days.

Remember, real love is worth the wait. So don’t rush it. Let love unfold at its own pace.

5) Stay positive

Let me share a little secret with you. Back in my early days of dating, I had my fair share of heartbreaks. And each time, it was tempting to become cynical about love.

But I quickly realized that maintaining a positive attitude was key to finding love again.

In our 60s and beyond, we’ve all experienced our share of life’s ups and downs. It’s easy to let past disappointments cloud our view of the future.

However, staying positive allows us to keep our hearts open to new possibilities. It helps us see the good in people and gives us the courage to take another chance on love.

6) Acknowledge your fears

Let’s get real here for a moment. Finding love in your 60s and beyond can be downright scary.

You might be experiencing multiple fears, for example:

  • The fear of rejection
  • The fear of getting hurt again
  • The fear of ending up alone

Trust me, I’ve been there and I know how paralyzing these fears can be.

But here’s what I’ve learned: It’s okay to be scared. It’s human. What’s not okay is letting those fears hold you back.

Acknowledge your fears. Give yourself permission to feel them. But don’t let them dictate your life.

Love requires courage. So face your fears head-on and keep moving forward.

7) Keep your standards high

When I was younger, I often found myself settling for less than I deserved. But with time, I learned the importance of keeping my standards high.

In your 60s and beyond, you’ve earned the right to be picky. You very well know:

  • Who you are
  • What you want
  • What you deserve

Don’t lower your standards just to find love. You deserve someone who respects you, values you, and treats you with kindness and love.

As the great Maya Angelou said, “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.”

8) Love yourself first

This is perhaps the rawest truth of all. Before you can truly love someone else, you need to love yourself.

In your 60s and beyond, you’ve spent a lifetime taking care of others. Now, it’s time to take care of you.

Accept yourself, flaws and all. Celebrate your strengths. Be kind to yourself when you stumble.

Loving yourself isn’t about being selfish. It’s about acknowledging your worth and respecting yourself.

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. So fill yours up with self-love first.

It’s only then that you can truly give and receive love in its purest form.


Finding love in your 60s and beyond may be a path less traveled, but it’s a journey full of potential joy and fulfillment.

Age is just a number, and love doesn’t have an expiration date.

Keep these rules in mind, stay true to yourself, and never lose hope. Love is out there, waiting for you to find it.

And if you need more advice or guidance, don’t hesitate to check out my book Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship. It’s packed with insights and practical tips to help you navigate the complexities of relationships at any age.

Here’s to finding love at any stage of life. You’ve got this.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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