There’s an art to attracting a high-quality man and ladies, it’s not as complex as you might think.
The key? It’s not about doing more, but doing less. Yes, you heard it right.
Hello there! I’m Tina Fey, the founder of Love Connection blog and after years of studying relationships, I’ve discovered that sometimes we tend to unknowingly push away the men we’re aiming to attract.
In this article, I’m going to share with you the 8 things you need to stop doing if you want to attract a high-quality man. By the end of it, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to make smarter relationship decisions.
So let’s get started, shall we?
1) Trying too hard
Ladies, I need to let you in on a secret. High-quality men can smell desperation a mile off.
The notion of ‘trying too hard’ to attract a man is a common pitfall I’ve noticed in my years in the relationship field. There’s a fine line between showing interest and appearing desperate, and crossing that line can be a major turn off.
You see, high-quality men are attracted to women who are secure in themselves and don’t need constant validation. They value authenticity, so it’s important that you’re being true to yourself.
Remember, trying to be someone you’re not just to please someone else is not sustainable. It’s exhausting and it’s not fair to you.
So if you catch yourself bending over backwards to impress him, stop! Relax. Be yourself. Remember, you’re amazing just as you are. Trust me, the right man will see that too.
2) Neglecting your own needs
Here’s a piece of wisdom that took me years to truly understand: You can’t pour from an empty cup.
We often tend to prioritize others over ourselves, especially when we’re trying to attract someone we’re interested in. But guess what? This can be a huge turn-off for high-quality men.
A wise man once said, “Don’t sacrifice yourself too much, because if you sacrifice too much there’s nothing else you can give and nobody will care for you.” That wise man was Karl Lagerfeld.
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High-quality men are attracted to women who know their worth and aren’t afraid to prioritize their own needs. It shows that you respect yourself, and trust me, self-respect is incredibly attractive.
3) Being overly dependent
Now, this is a point I discuss extensively in my book – Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship.
Dependency can be a relationship killer. High-quality men are attracted to women who are independent and have their own life. It’s not about not needing a man, but about being able to stand on your own two feet.
In my book, I dive deeper into how to break free from codependency and build a healthier relationship based on mutual respect and love, not neediness.
So if you’re always waiting for him to make the first move, or if your world revolves around him, it’s time to take a step back. Find your own interests, pursue your passions, build your own life.
This will not just attract a high-quality man but also help you lead a happier, more fulfilling life.
4) Being overly agreeable
Now, this may sound counterintuitive, but being overly agreeable can actually be a turn-off for high-quality men.
Yes, you heard that right.
While it’s important to be kind and considerate, constantly agreeing with everything he says can come off as insincere or even boring. High-quality men appreciate a woman who has her own opinions and isn’t afraid to voice them.
It’s all about balance. You don’t want to be argumentative, but it’s okay to respectfully disagree. It shows that you’re confident, thoughtful, and not just trying to please.
So next time he says he loves the latest superhero movie and you found it lacking depth, don’t be afraid to express your opinion. It might just make you all the more attractive in his eyes!
5) Forgetting to communicate
I’m going to share a personal story here. Back in my early dating days, I assumed that men should just “get” what I was thinking or feeling. Needless to say, this led to a lot of unnecessary misunderstandings.
Real talk — high-quality men aren’t mind readers. Actually, no one is! If something is bothering you, or if there’s something you want, speak up. Good communication is the backbone of any successful relationship.
By expressing your feelings and thoughts openly and honestly, you’re showing him that you trust him enough to be vulnerable. And trust me, this kind of emotional intimacy is very attractive to high-quality men.
6) Trying to change him
Ah, here’s something every woman needs to know – you can’t change a man. And trying to do so will only push him away.
We’ve all been there, thinking if he could just tweak this or change that, he’d be perfect. But this is a dangerous game to play.
High-quality men are self-aware and know their worth. They’re looking for someone who appreciates them for who they are, flaws and all.
Love isn’t about finding the perfect person but rather seeing an imperfect person perfectly. So if you find yourself wishing he was different, it might be time to reassess if he’s the right man for you.
Remember, a high-quality man will respect you for accepting him as he is, and you deserve the same in return.
7) Ignoring red flags
Maya Angelou once said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” And she couldn’t have been more right.
In the excitement of a new relationship, it’s easy to brush off warning signs. But it’s essential to remember that actions speak louder than words. If his actions aren’t aligning with his words, that’s a big red flag.
High-quality men respect boundaries, value your time, and treat you with kindness. If you’re not seeing these qualities, then it’s safe to say you’re wasting your time and energy.
Listen to your gut feelings and don’t ignore those red flags. Your future self will thank you.
8) Settling for less
Let’s get real here – you deserve the best. And settling for anything less than what you deserve is doing a disservice to yourself.
Too often, in the quest to attract a man, we lower our standards and accept behavior that we shouldn’t.
But let’s be clear: high-quality men are attracted to high-quality women who know their worth and refuse to settle.
So if you’re accepting less than respect, kindness, and genuine love, it’s time for some self-reflection.
A high-quality man wants a woman who values herself and sets the bar high. So don’t settle for less, because you deserve nothing but the best.
Wrapping Up
As we close this chapter, I just want to emphasize this — attracting a high-quality man is less about trying to be perfect and more about being authentically you. It’s about knowing your worth and refusing to settle for less.
These tips are just the start. There’s so much more to explore when it comes to building healthy, fulfilling relationships. For a deeper dive, I invite you to check out my book Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship.
The journey to love isn’t about changing who you are, but about becoming the best version of yourself. You’ve got this!