A Professionally Edited Résumé — Wins

Hiring Resume

There are two steps to take before you’ll get that job offer. The first is to create a résumé. An attractive and intriguing résumé will generate an invitation for an interview. The second step is to convince the interviewer you’re the ideal candidate. Unfortunately, though, most people fail in the first step. The reason is that in today’s super competitive job market, only candidates whose résumés are truly outstanding will generate further interest.

Most—if not all—of those who prepare their own résumé find it deficient based on the fact and evidence that they get no calls. Therefore, ultimately, many turn to a professional résumé writer. But there’s a viable alternative that may be the better choice—and significantly less costly. And that is a professional résumé editor. To make my point, I asked Paula of EditAmerica.com to provide me with brief before-and-after portions of a résumé she recently edited. The readability, editorial integrity, and clarity of thought and expression are markedly improved in the edited version. I recommend such an editorial service for job seekers who cannot afford a professional résumé writer. Take a look at the example.


Idea generator, communicator and problem solver. A business analyst experienced in bringing together the user community and the Information Technology teams to focus on establishing or identifying common goals and implementing satisfactory solutions. Have achievements in circulation, advertising, transportation, dealer contracts and cost containment arenas. Ability to translate user needs into requirements, and requirements into actionable projects. 


Seasoned idea generator, communicator, and problem solver. A business analyst offering expertise in skillfully uniting user communities with information technology teams so the two can focus on the determination and establishment of common goals and then on implementation of satisfactory solutions. Verifiable achievements in circulation, advertising, transportation, dealer contracts, and cost containment arenas. Additional proficiency in translating user needs into requirements, and requirements into actionable projects. 

Remember that a person whose job is to read résumés—and make decisions about candidacy and whether or not to call in applicants for interviews—has only limited time. In 10 to 30 seconds, the screener decides. And if your résumé is not appealing, clear, and communicative regarding how your skills, accomplishments, and strengths can help the prospective employer’s organization, then the next candidate’s perhaps is.

DIY, or do-it-yourself, projects sometimes make sense and save money. But this one, involving résumé refinement, requires both in-depth editorial expertise and years of editorial experience. Why are famous artists’ works so much more attractive than those of most others in the same field? You know the answer!

Picture of Alex Freund

Alex Freund

Alex Freund is a career and interviewing coach known as the “landing expert” for publishing his 80 page list of job-search networking groups. He is prominent in a number of job-search networking groups; makes frequent public presentations, he does workshops on resumes and LinkedIn, teaches a career development seminar and publishes his blog focused on job seekers. Alex worked at Fortune 100 companies headquarters managing many and large departments. He has extensive experience at interviewing people for jobs and is considered an expert in preparing people for interviews. Alex  is a Cornell University grad, lived on three continents and speaks five languages.


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