People who leave the TV on in the background while doing errands at home usually display these 9 behaviors, says psychology

We all do it. We leave the TV on while we’re pottering around the house, doing chores or just generally busying ourselves. But have you ever stopped to consider what this seemingly harmless habit says about you?

Psychology suggests that those of us who prefer to have the TV humming in the background often share certain behaviors. Intriguing, right?

In this article, I’m going to delve into these behaviors and shed some light on what they could mean.

Let’s get started.

1) Multitaskers

People who leave the TV on in the background aren’t just couch potatoes. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Psychology points out that these individuals are often multitaskers. They’re the ones who can juggle cooking dinner, sorting laundry, and keeping an eye on their favorite sitcom all at once. Sound familiar?

This knack for multitasking doesn’t just apply to household chores, either. It often spills over into other areas of life – they may be the ones who thrive in busy work environments, or who can juggle multiple social commitments with ease.

But don’t worry, it’s not all fast-paced chaos. In fact, having the TV on can provide a comforting backdrop of noise that helps these individuals focus and get things done.

2) Comfort seekers

Here’s something I’ve noticed about myself and others who often leave the TV on – we’re comfort seekers.

For me, having the TV on in the background is like having a companion in the room, even when I’m alone. It’s soothing and familiar, a constant hum that fills the silence and makes me feel less alone.

Psychology suggests that this need for comfort might be tied to our early experiences. Perhaps as children, we had parents who would leave the TV on to provide a comforting background noise, or we had siblings with whom we’d watch TV while doing homework or chores. As adults, we carry this habit into our own homes.

3) High sensory threshold

If you’re someone who enjoys having the TV on in the background, it might be because you have what psychologists call a “high sensory threshold.”

This essentially means that you need a higher level of stimulation to reach an optimal level of alertness. In other words, having multiple sources of stimuli, like the sound of the television and the task at hand, helps you to feel more focused and engaged.

It’s not unusual for people with a high sensory threshold to seek out busy environments or engage in activities that involve multiple senses. Having the TV on while doing housework might just be your brain’s way of keeping itself stimulated and engaged.

4) Routine lovers

Another common trait among those who leave the TV on while going about their day is a love for routine.

Having a predictable routine can bring a sense of comfort and control. And for many, this routine includes the sound of the TV in the background.

Whether it’s tuning into the morning news while getting ready for work, or having your favorite sitcom on while you clean up after dinner, it’s all part of a well-established routine. This habitual behavior can bring structure to your day and make your tasks feel more manageable.

If you find yourself reaching for the remote as you start your chores, it could be a sign that you’re a routine lover who finds comfort in predictability.

5) Information gatherers

Another behavior often seen in people who leave the TV on while doing errands at home is their desire to constantly gather information.

Whether it’s a news channel providing updates on current events, or a documentary offering insights into a particular subject, having the TV on can be a way to passively soak up information.

This constant craving for knowledge can be linked to an inquisitive nature and a desire to stay informed and connected with the world. If you find yourself leaving the TV on for background noise but end up catching interesting snippets of information, you might just be an information gatherer at heart.

6) Memory holders

Sometimes, leaving the TV on in the background is more than just a habit. It’s a connection to cherished memories.

You might associate the sound of a particular show with a loved one, or recall watching certain programs during your childhood. These sounds can evoke a sense of nostalgia and comfort, making your space feel more homely and inviting.

If you find yourself tuning into reruns of old sitcoms or shows that have a special place in your heart, it might not just be for the noise. It could be a sweet and subtle way of keeping cherished memories alive.

7) Connected feelers

There’s a unique sense of connection that arises when you have the TV on in the background. I’ve found that even when I’m alone, I feel connected to the world outside my living room.

Whether it’s hearing updates about global events, or laughing along with a studio audience, it’s a subtle reminder that I’m part of a larger community. This connection is comforting, almost like a reminder that even in solitude, I’m not truly alone.

If you enjoy the hum of the TV while going about your day, it might just be your way of feeling connected to the world beyond your four walls.

8) Stress relievers

Juggling household chores can be stressful, but having the TV playing in the background can provide a much-needed distraction.

The sound of a favorite show or the familiar voices of news anchors can be a form of escapism, providing a mental break from the task at hand. It’s a simple way to make mundane chores a little more enjoyable and less stressful.

If you often find yourself turning on the TV while doing errands at home, it could be your personal stress-relief strategy.

9) Independent thinkers

At the core of it all, leaving the TV on while doing errands at home could simply signal that you’re an independent thinker.

Instead of adhering to conventional norms of silence or solitude while working, you carve out your own path, creating an environment that suits your needs and preferences. This trait of independent thinking often extends beyond just your TV habits, reflecting in various aspects of your life.

Go ahead, leave that TV on if it helps you get through your day. After all, it’s your unique habits that make you who you are.

Final thought: It’s about embracing individuality

As we journey through the complexities of human behavior, it’s critical to remember that these patterns are as diverse as we are as individuals.

It’s not just about being a multitasker or a routine lover, a comfort seeker or an information gatherer. These behaviors, while revealing, are simply facets of our unique personality.

So if leaving the TV on while doing errands at home is your thing, embrace it. This practice, trivial as it may seem, is a reflection of your individuality, your personal way of navigating through life’s daily tasks.

In the end, whether it’s the hum of a show in the background, the silence of solitude, or the rhythm of your favorite music, what matters most is creating an environment that makes you feel at home. And if that involves a bit of background noise from the TV, then so be it.

After all, it’s these small quirks and habits that make us who we are. So keep doing you!

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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