People who aren’t truly invested in their relationship usually display these 9 behaviors (without realizing it)

There’s a stark contrast between being fully committed in a relationship and just passing time.

This difference often lies in the subtle behaviors, the small signs that can reveal a person’s true level of investment in their relationship.

People who aren’t truly invested usually exhibit certain actions, often unknowingly, indicating their lack of commitment.

In this article, we’re going to talk about these nine behaviors that hint at a lack of investment in a relationship, and you may not even realize you’re displaying them.

1) Lack of emotional engagement

In any relationship, emotional involvement is key.

Being emotionally engaged means investing time and energy into understanding your partner’s emotions, feelings, and experiences. It’s about being present, not just physically but emotionally too.

However, people who aren’t truly invested in their relationship often exhibit a lack of emotional engagement.

This behavior isn’t always intentional or malicious. In fact, it is often unconscious. But it does point to a lack of commitment.

They might seem distracted when you’re talking about your day or your feelings. They may avoid deep conversations or intimate moments. These are signs that they are not fully emotionally engaged in the relationship.

2) Avoidance of future planning

When you’re truly invested in a relationship, you naturally envision a shared future with your partner. You make plans together, whether it’s for next week’s dinner or next year’s vacation.

But in my own experience, I noticed that when I wasn’t fully committed to a relationship, I hesitated to make such plans.

I remember an ex-partner of mine who was always keen to plan trips and events months in advance. But I found myself stalling, making excuses, or giving non-committal answers. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy spending time with them, but subconsciously, I was avoiding cementing our future together.

This is often a sign of lack of full investment in the relationship. If you find yourself or your partner consistently avoiding future plans, it could be an indication of this underlying issue.

3) Less physical affection

Physical affection is a fundamental part of any romantic relationship. It’s a way we express love, care, and intimacy towards our partner.

However, studies have shown that people who aren’t fully invested in their relationship often show less physical affection. They may avoid holding hands, hugging, or cuddling. There’s often a decrease in the frequency of intimate moments as well.

This lack of physical connection doesn’t necessarily mean there’s no love or care in the relationship. But it could be an indication of a deeper issue – a lack of commitment or investment in the partnership. It’s something to be aware of and address if you notice such a pattern.

4) Not making sacrifices

In any relationship, sacrifices are inevitable.

Whether it’s compromising on a movie choice, missing a social event to care for a sick partner, or moving cities for your partner’s job – these are all forms of sacrifices that show commitment and investment in a relationship.

However, people who aren’t truly invested in their relationship often hesitate to make these sacrifices. They prioritize their individual wants and needs over those of the relationship.

This reluctance to make sacrifices doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t care about their partner. But it can be an indication of a lack of deep commitment or investment in the relationship. It’s something to be mindful of if you notice such a pattern.

5) Easily frustrated

In a relationship, there will always be ups and downs. It’s normal to experience frustration or annoyance from time to time.

However, people who aren’t truly invested in their relationship may find themselves becoming easily frustrated with their partner over minor issues.

From forgetting to pick up groceries to leaving dishes in the sink, these small annoyances seem to take on a greater weight. This could be indicative of deeper feelings of dissatisfaction or a lack of true investment in the relationship.

Spotting this pattern early and addressing the underlying issues can help steer the relationship towards a healthier path.

6) Lack of empathy

Empathy is the heart and soul of any relationship. It’s the ability to understand and share the feelings of your partner, to step into their shoes, and to see the world from their perspective.

But when someone isn’t truly invested in their relationship, this empathy often begins to fade.

They might find it difficult to empathize with their partner’s struggles or concerns. They may become indifferent, dismissive, or even unresponsive to their partner’s feelings.

This lack of empathy doesn’t just hurt the other person; it also erodes the bond that holds the relationship together. It’s not just about being nice; it’s about truly understanding and caring about your partner.

Love isn’t just a feeling; it’s a choice that we make every day. And choosing to empathize is a crucial part of that choice. If you notice a lack of empathy, it’s a sign that you or your partner may not be fully invested in the relationship.

7) Not prioritizing communication

Communication is the foundation of a healthy relationship. It’s through communication that we express our needs, resolve our conflicts, and deepen our connection with our partner.

But in a past relationship of mine, I noticed that I wasn’t making communication a priority. I would skip out on important conversations or avoid discussing issues to keep the peace.

Looking back, I realize that this was a clear sign that I wasn’t fully invested in that relationship. I was more invested in maintaining my comfort than working through our issues for the sake of the relationship.

When someone isn’t fully committed, they often don’t prioritize meaningful communication. They may avoid difficult discussions or withhold their feelings. If you notice this kind of behavior, it could be a sign that there’s a lack of investment in the relationship.

8) Neglecting the small things

In any relationship, the small things often mean the most.

Remembering a favorite meal, noticing a new haircut, or simply asking about a partner’s day – these small gestures show that we care and are invested in our partner’s life.

However, people who aren’t truly invested in their relationship often neglect these small things. They might forget important dates or show little interest in their partner’s day-to-day life.

This neglect doesn’t necessarily mean they don’t care about their partner. But it can be an indication of a lack of deep commitment or investment in the relationship. It’s something to be mindful of if you notice such a pattern.

9) Avoiding vulnerability

At the heart of a deeply invested relationship is vulnerability. Being open, honest, and vulnerable with your partner is a sign of trust and commitment.

People who aren’t fully invested in their relationship often avoid this level of vulnerability. They may keep their feelings to themselves, avoid opening up, or steer clear of deep emotional discussions.

This avoidance of vulnerability can create a distance in the relationship and inhibit the deep emotional connection necessary for a committed relationship. If you notice this behavior in your relationship, it may be a sign that there’s a lack of true investment.

Concluding thoughts: The power of self-awareness

This awareness allows us to identify patterns, address issues, and make conscious decisions about our relationships. It empowers us to take control of our actions and emotions instead of being swept away by them.

Whether it’s acknowledging a lack of emotional engagement, recognizing a reluctance to make sacrifices, or becoming aware of avoiding vulnerability, the first step towards change is always awareness.

By understanding these behaviors, we have the opportunity to reflect on our own relationships. It gives us the chance to decide if we are truly committed or if there are changes we need to make.

After all, relationships aren’t just about being with someone. They’re about choosing to invest in them every day.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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