7 types of family members to avoid if you want a happy and peaceful life, according to psychology

There’s always that one uncle who shows up uninvited, or the cousin who just can’t stop bragging about their latest achievements. And don’t get me started on the sister-in-law who seems to thrive on drama.

Sometimes these individuals are not just annoying – they can seriously disrupt our happiness and peace of mind. And guess what? Psychology backs this up!

So if you’re asking yourself, “Who are these family members I should steer clear of for a more peaceful life?” stay tuned.

We’ll delve into the seven types of family members that could be affecting your peace and happiness, according to psychology.

And remember – it’s not about holding grudges, it’s about maintaining your well-being.

1. The perpetual pessimist

We all know this family member. They’re the ones who can find a flaw in every plan, a cloud behind every silver lining. Nothing is ever good enough and they never fail to voice their negative opinion.

Here’s the problem with that.

Constant negativity can be draining. It can suck the joy out of even the happiest of occasions and leave you feeling down and discouraged. Worse still, negativity is contagious.

According to psychology, being around pessimistic people can influence your own thoughts and feelings, making you more likely to adopt a negative outlook on life.

So, for the sake of your happiness and peace of mind, it might be best to keep your interactions with the family pessimist to a minimum.

2. The overbearing controller

Ah, the classic controller. They know what’s best for everyone and aren’t shy about making sure you know it too. They try to dictate how you should live your life, from your choice of career to whom you should date.

Let me share something.

I have an aunt who fits this description perfectly. Every family gathering, she would corner me and offer unsolicited advice about everything under the sun. She meant well, for sure, but her constant interference felt suffocating.

Here’s the thing.

Psychology tells us that such controlling behavior can lead to stress and anxiety. It can make you feel as if you’re constantly under scrutiny and can even shake your confidence in your own decision-making capabilities.

So, while it’s important to respect your elders and consider their advice, remember that you have the final say in your life. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries with those family members who tend to overstep theirs.

3. The relentless critic

Ever been around a family member who seems to have made it their life mission to critique every aspect of your life? I’m talking about the one who points out that you’ve gained a few pounds, or the relative who always has something to say about your parenting style.

It’s like living under a microscope.

And let’s be real, nobody likes to feel judged all the time. It’s exhausting and it can chip away at your self-esteem.

Constant criticism can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, which are definitely not conducive to a happy and peaceful life.

So, what can you do about it?

Well, you don’t have to endure it silently. Stand up for yourself. Let them know that their comments are not appreciated. And if they still don’t get the message? It may be time to limit your interaction with them.

After all, you deserve respect and kindness, just like everybody else.

4. The drama instigator

Family gatherings should be enjoyable, right? But there’s always that one relative who thrives on stirring the pot. They spread rumors, exaggerate stories, and seem to revel in causing chaos.

Sound familiar?

This is the drama instigator. Their actions can turn a peaceful family gathering into a stressful ordeal, leaving you feeling anxious and on edge.

According to psychology, exposure to constant drama can be emotionally draining, leading to stress and even physical health problems in the long run.

So, while you can’t control their actions, you can control your reactions. Limit your involvement in their drama. And if necessary, limit your contact with them for the sake of your own peace and happiness.

5. The constant competitor

Ever felt like you’re in a never-ending competition with a family member? They always have to one-up you, whether it’s about their latest vacation, their kid’s grades, or even their new car.

Here’s a little nugget of wisdom.

Competition is healthy when it motivates us to be better. But when it’s with family and it crosses a line, it can lead to resentment and tension.

In fact, it’s well believed that chronic feelings of envy can lead to depression. So being around someone who constantly tries to outdo you isn’t just annoying—it can negatively impact your mental health.

Next time, let their competitive comments slide off you. Life isn’t a race or competition, especially not within your own family. Keep focused on your own path and your own achievements.

6. The guilt tripper

We’ve all encountered them: the family member who has mastered the art of making you feel guilty for not doing things their way. Maybe it’s your mother who sighs loudly when you can’t make it to a family dinner, or your sibling who makes you feel bad for not visiting them more often.

I know, it’s tough.

You want to keep everyone happy, but at the same time, you have your own life to live. It’s important to remember that you’re not obligated to fulfill everyone else’s expectations at the expense of your own peace and happiness.

It’s no surprise then that constant guilt-tripping can lead to increased stress and anxiety. And let’s face it, life is too short for unnecessary guilt trips.

Show them empathy and kindness, but also remember to take care of yourself. Set boundaries and don’t let their guilt trips manipulate your decisions.

7. The energy vampire

This is the family member who always seems to leave you feeling drained and exhausted after every interaction. They demand your attention, dump their problems on you, and rarely consider your feelings or needs.

And here’s what you need to know.

These energy vampires can significantly affect your mental health. Such individuals can cause emotional exhaustion, leaving you feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

So, while it’s good to be there for family, it’s also crucial to safeguard your own emotional health. Don’t let anyone drain you of your energy or peace. You have the right to distance yourself from toxic relationships, even if they’re family.

Final thoughts

If you’re nodding your head to some or all of these descriptions, don’t worry. Many of us have family members who fit into these categories.

The important thing is awareness.

Recognizing these patterns is half the battle. Once you do, you can take steps to protect your peace and happiness.

Remember, it’s not about cutting ties or harboring resentment. It’s about setting boundaries and preserving your overall well-being. After all, happiness and peace of mind are not just desirable, they’re essential for a fulfilling life.

And here’s something to hold onto – practicing self-care is not selfish. It’s necessary, and it’s healthy.

So, if you find yourself feeling drained or stressed after interactions with certain family members, give yourself permission to step back. Your mental health matters.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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