Raising kids is like walking a tightrope. You want them to grow up independent, but you also want to guide them towards making the right choices.
When they become adults, how do you know if you’ve done a good job? Well, that’s where their actions speak louder than words.
As a parent, you’ve done exceptionally well if your adult children start doing these 7 specific things in life.
Let’s delve into what these 7 things are, and why they’re so important. It’s a simple reflection of your parenting triumphs, without the need for any trophies or medals.
1) They show empathy
There’s no denying that empathy is a cornerstone of good character and successful relationships.
Here’s a test: are your adult children capable of understanding and sharing the feelings of others? Do they naturally connect with people, showing genuine care and concern?
If the answer is yes, pat yourself on the back. It’s a clear sign you’ve instilled in them the value of empathy.
Empathy isn’t just about being nice. It’s about genuinely understanding others’ perspectives, emotions, and needs. It’s the ability to put oneself in someone else’s shoes, to truly understand their experiences and emotions.
In life, this trait is invaluable. It helps us build strong relationships, navigate conflicts, and even lead others.
2) They value hard work
Let me tell you a little story about my own son. Growing up, he was always eager to help out around the house. As he got older, this translated into a strong work ethic.
I remember when he had just graduated from college and was hunting for his first job. He was rejected from multiple jobs, but did that stop him? Not at all. He kept pushing, kept improving his skills, and didn’t rest until he got the job he wanted.
That perseverance, that determination to keep going even in the face of adversity – that’s what hard work is all about.
If your grown-up children understand the significance of hard work and are not afraid to roll up their sleeves and put in the effort, then you can be assured you’ve raised them exceptionally well.
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That willingness to work hard, even when things get tough, is a sign of resilience and determination, essential qualities in life.
3) They handle finances responsibly
Money management is a skill that’s often overlooked in our education system. However, it’s crucial for leading an independent life.
The average American household carries a credit card debt of $6,270. It’s easy to fall into the trap of spending more than you earn and accumulating debt.
If your adult children understand the value of money, save for their future, and avoid unnecessary debts, it’s a clear sign you’ve done a great job as a parent.
Instilling the habit of budgeting and saving not only helps them lead a secure life but also prepares them to navigate through any financial hurdles they may face in the future.
4) They practice gratitude
Gratitude isn’t just about saying thank you. It’s about acknowledging the good in our lives and appreciating the people and circumstances that have brought us where we are today.
You’ve done well if your adult children take the time to appreciate what they have, rather than always wanting more. It shows they understand the value of the people and experiences in their lives.
Practicing gratitude has been linked to a myriad of benefits like improved mental health, stronger relationships, and greater happiness. So if your adult children do this, not only have you raised them well, but they’re also setting themselves up for a fulfilling life.
5) They respect differences
Growing up in a diverse neighborhood, I was exposed to different cultures, beliefs, and lifestyles from a young age. This taught me the importance of respecting and appreciating diversity, a value I made sure to pass on to my children.
If your adult children can interact with people from all walks of life with respect and understanding, you can be proud of the job you’ve done as a parent.
In an ever-increasing global society, the capacity to appreciate and respect differences – whether it’s race, religion, gender or lifestyle choices – is not just a good trait to have; it’s essential.
So, when your children show tolerance and respect towards others’ differences, it’s a clear indication you’ve raised them exceptionally well.
6) They’re self-reliant
Self-reliance is about having the confidence and ability to look after oneself. It involves making decisions independently, solving problems, and taking responsibility for one’s actions.
If your adult children can live independently, without constantly relying on you for decisions or support, you’ve done a commendable job as a parent.
Being self-reliant doesn’t mean they never need help or advice. It means they have the confidence and competence to manage their lives effectively, while knowing when it’s appropriate to seek help.
7) They demonstrate kindness
Kindness is more than just being nice. It’s about extending love, care, and understanding to others without expecting anything in return.
If your adult children consistently show acts of kindness – whether it’s helping a neighbor, volunteering for a cause, or just being there for a friend in need – you’ve raised them exceptionally well.
Kindness enriches our life, cultivates meaningful relationships, and promotes a sense of community. It’s a fundamental trait that reflects a person’s character and humanity. So if your adult children are kind, then you can truly say you’ve done an outstanding job as a parent.
Final thoughts: The art of raising adults
Raising children into responsible, empathetic, and self-reliant adults is no easy feat. It involves a delicate balance of love, guidance, boundaries, and freedom.
While it’s natural to worry about whether you’ve done a good job, the true measure of your success lies not in what your children have achieved, but in who they have become.
American author and speaker, Zig Ziglar, once said, “The greatest gift you can give someone is your time because when you give your time, you are giving a portion of your life that you will never get back.”
If your adult children demonstrate these 7 traits – empathy, hard work, financial responsibility, gratitude, respect for diversity, self-reliance, and kindness – it’s evident that the time and effort you’ve invested in their upbringing have been well worth it.
In the end, the goal of parenting isn’t just to raise children. It’s to raise adults who will make this world a better place with their character and actions. As parents, that’s the most exceptional achievement we can aspire to.