If you want to be truly happy, stay single until you find someone with these 8 personality traits

Let’s face it, finding true happiness in a relationship isn’t about settling for just anyone.

It’s about finding that special someone who possesses certain personality traits that make you feel good about yourself and the relationship. As Tina Fey, founder of the Love Connection blog, and yes, a self-proclaimed relationship expert, I can tell you this much: staying single is better than being with the wrong person.

If you’re on the hunt for genuine happiness, hold out until you find someone with these eight personality traits. Trust me, the wait will be worth it.

Let’s dive into what these traits are and why they’re so crucial for a happy relationship.

1) Emotional maturity

When it comes to fostering a happy, healthy relationship, emotional maturity is paramount.

Let’s be honest. We’ve all had our fair share of emotional roller coasters, especially in relationships. And I, Tina Fey, am not an exception. But what sets a truly happy relationship apart is the ability to handle these ups and downs with grace and understanding.

Emotional maturity isn’t about suppressing feelings or always being “cool.” It’s about communicating effectively, empathizing with your partner, and managing conflicts constructively.

Before you jump into a relationship, make sure your potential partner has this trait. It’s not about age or experience—it’s about emotional intelligence.

And trust me on this one; a partner with emotional maturity can make the ride of love smoother and definitely more enjoyable. Now, isn’t that something worth waiting for?

2) Kindness

Kindness is a trait that is often underestimated in its power to shape a happy relationship.

You see, in my journey as a relationship expert, I’ve come across many couples. And the happiest ones always have this one thing in common: they’re kind to each other. They show genuine care and concern, and it’s not just on special occasions but in everyday moments.

As the great philosopher Plato once said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” This rings true especially in relationships. Kindness can be the soothing balm that heals wounds and bridges gaps.

When your partner is kind, you feel loved, cherished, and valued. So, don’t settle for anything less. Wait for someone who treats you with kindness, not just when things are rosy, but even when the chips are down. It’s worth it, I promise.

3) Independence

Independence is a trait that’s vital for personal growth and a healthy relationship.

As I, Tina Fey, have navigated through the maze of love and relationships, I’ve realized that dependence can often lead to resentment and dissatisfaction. But when you’re with someone who values their independence and respects yours, it paves the way for a balanced and fulfilling relationship.

In my book, “Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship”, I delve deeper into this subject. I explain how independence can lead to stronger bonds, better conflict resolution, and ultimately, a happier relationship.

Don’t rush into a relationship with just anyone. Wait for someone who can stand on their own two feet, and allow you to do the same. It’s not just about being strong together; it’s also about being strong individually.

4) Comfortable with imperfections

This might sound counterintuitive, but hear me out.

Most people assume that their ideal partner should be, well, ideal. But the truth is, perfection doesn’t exist. As a relationship expert and as Tina Fey, I can tell you that some of the happiest couples I’ve worked with are those who’ve embraced each other’s imperfections.

It’s about finding someone who not only acknowledges your flaws but also accepts them. It’s about being with someone who doesn’t expect you to be perfect but loves you for who you are, warts and all.

If you really want to be happy in a relationship, look for someone comfortable with imperfections – both yours and their own. Because at the end of the day, it’s our quirks and flaws that make us unique and loveable. And accepting them can bring a depth of happiness that striving for perfection never will.

5) Sense of humor

Now, this might seem a bit light-hearted after our discussion on imperfections, but trust me, it’s just as important.

A sense of humor can be a lifesaver in a relationship. I, Tina Fey, can vouch for this. I’ve been through rough patches in relationships, and often, it was laughter that helped ease the tension and bring back the warmth.

Humor lightens the mood, eases stress, and simply makes life more enjoyable. It’s not about having a partner who’s a stand-up comedian; it’s about finding someone who can laugh with you, at the joys, the ironies, and yes, even the challenges that life throws at you.

Don’t underestimate the power of a good laugh. Wait for someone who can share this joy with you. It’s one of the simplest yet most profound ways to find happiness in a relationship.

6) Willingness to communicate

Let’s get real here. Communication – or lack thereof – can make or break a relationship.

It’s not always easy or comfortable. There will be times when you’ll need to have raw, gut-wrenching conversations. But I promise you, it’s worth it. It’s these moments of honesty and vulnerability that bring you closer and deepen your love.

In my journey as a relationship expert, and yes, in my personal life too, I’ve seen the immense power of open communication. It clears misunderstandings, resolves conflicts, and builds trust.

Hold out for someone who is willing to communicate – someone who doesn’t shy away from difficult conversations and values honesty and transparency. Because true happiness in a relationship comes from knowing you can speak your mind without fear of judgment or repercussions.

7) Empathy

Empathy, the ability to understand and share another person’s feelings, is a vital trait for a happy relationship.

As Albert Einstein beautifully put it, “Empathy is patiently and sincerely seeing the world through the other person’s eyes.” And I couldn’t agree more. In my personal life and in my work as a relationship expert, I’ve seen how empathy can bridge gaps and heal wounds in relationships.

When your partner can empathize with you, they don’t just hear your words, they feel your emotions. It’s about being with someone who understands your pain, shares your joy, and walks a mile in your shoes.

If you want to be truly happy, wait for someone who possesses this beautiful trait. Empathy can make a world of difference in how you connect and communicate in a relationship.

8) Respect

This is perhaps the most critical trait of all. Without respect, all other traits lose their significance.

Now, let’s be real. Love can be blind, but when the rose-colored glasses come off, respect is what keeps the relationship going. It’s about valuing your partner’s choices, opinions, and individuality. It’s about creating boundaries and honoring them.

In my experience as a relationship expert, and in my own relationships, I’ve seen how a lack of respect can erode even the strongest of bonds. But when respect is present, it fosters trust, creates a safe space for growth, and paves the way for genuine happiness.

Wait for someone who respects you. It’s not just about being loved but also about being valued for who you are. That, my friends, is the key to true happiness in a relationship.


So there you have it, my friends. These are the eight personality traits to look for if you want to find true happiness in a relationship.

Remember, it’s not just about finding someone; it’s about finding the right someone. And sometimes, that requires a little patience and a lot of self-love.

For more insights and advice on building healthy, happy relationships, check out my book “Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship”. I delve deeper into these topics and provide practical tools to help you navigate your love life.

And always remember – you deserve happiness. Don’t settle for anything less.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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