If a woman displays these 9 behaviors, she has almost zero self-respect

Self-respect is something that should never be compromised, regardless of the circumstances. Unfortunately, it’s easier said than done. There are certain behaviors that, if a woman exhibits them, it can indicate she has little to no self-respect.

In this article, we’ll explore these nine behaviors. It’s not about judgment, but rather awareness and understanding. Recognizing these behaviors could be the first step towards change and empowerment.

Let’s dive in.

1) She constantly seeks validation

One of the first signs that a woman may lack self-respect is an incessant need for validation.

We all enjoy a compliment or a pat on the back from time to time. It feels good to be recognized or appreciated. But when this need for external validation starts dictating your actions, it’s a red flag.

This behavior can materialize in different ways. It could be as simple as constantly fishing for compliments or as toxic as staying in an unhealthy relationship for fear of being alone.

The key thing to understand here is that self-respect comes from within. It’s about knowing your worth and not letting others define it for you. By constantly seeking validation from others, you’re essentially handing them the power to determine your sense of worth.

It’s okay to seek reassurance or advice from others occasionally, but when it becomes a constant necessity, it’s time to step back and take stock. After all, self-respect starts with self-love, and that’s something no one else can give you but yourself.

2) She tolerates disrespect

Unfortunately, I’ve seen this behavior more often than I’d like to admit. A woman who constantly allows herself to be disrespected is clearly lacking self-respect.

Let me share a personal story. I once had a dear friend named Lisa. She was beautiful, kind, and incredibly talented. But she was also in a relationship with a man who treated her poorly.

He would belittle her in front of their friends, make snide remarks about her appearance, and generally treat her with a lack of respect. The worst part? Lisa would just laugh it off or make excuses for his behavior.

I remember one particular instance when we were at a party together. He made a derogatory comment about her in front of everyone, and instead of standing up for herself, she just laughed it off and said, “Oh, he’s just joking.”

It was heartbreaking to see her tolerate such disrespect. It was clear that she lacked the self-respect necessary to stand up for herself and demand better treatment.

3) She downplays her accomplishments

In a study conducted by the American Psychological Association, it was found that women are more likely than men to downplay their accomplishments. This behavior is often a sign of a lack of self-respect.

When a woman consistently undermines her own achievements, it may seem like she’s just being modest. However, this kind of self-deprecation can often indicate a deeper issue.

It’s one thing to be humble, but it’s quite another to belittle your own successes. If a woman consistently downplays her accomplishments, it could mean she doesn’t value herself or her work as much as she should.

In reality, every achievement, big or small, is worth celebrating. And it’s crucial to recognize and appreciate your own hard work. After all, if you don’t respect your own accomplishments, why should anyone else?

4) She doesn’t set boundaries

Boundaries are essential for maintaining a healthy sense of self-respect. They indicate what we are comfortable with and how we expect to be treated.

A woman who consistently fails to establish or maintain boundaries allows others to treat her in ways that she may not be comfortable with. This could be anything from tolerating rude behavior to agreeing to do things that she doesn’t want to do.

The inability to set boundaries often stems from a fear of rejection or confrontation. However, by not setting these boundaries, she may end up feeling used, disrespected, or even violated.

It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to prioritize your needs. And it’s more than okay to demand respect. Establishing boundaries is a crucial step in valuing yourself and your wellbeing.

5) She doesn’t take care of herself

Self-care is not just about pampering yourself with bubble baths and spa days. It’s about taking care of your mental, physical, and emotional well-being.

When a woman neglects self-care, it’s often a sign of low self-respect. This could manifest as not getting enough sleep, eating poorly, not exercising, or simply not taking the time to relax and recharge.

Ignoring your own needs doesn’t make you selfless or noble. Instead, it can lead to burnout, stress, and health problems.

The bottom line is, if you don’t respect yourself enough to take care of your own health and well-being, it’s hard to expect others to do the same. Remember, your needs are important too. So make sure to prioritize self-care in your daily routine.

6) She sacrifices her dreams for others

It’s a beautiful thing to care for others, to help them achieve their dreams. But not when it comes at the expense of your own dreams and aspirations.

I’ve seen women who consistently put their dreams on hold to accommodate others. They give up on their passions, their goals, and the things that excite them just to keep those around them happy.

This is a classic sign of low self-respect. It shows that she values other people’s happiness over her own.

Yes, it’s important to be there for the people we love. But it’s equally important to chase our dreams and fulfill our passions. Because at the end of the day, your dreams matter too.

If you have a dream, chase it with all your heart. Don’t let anyone or anything hold you back. You are worthy of achieving your dreams, irrespective of what anyone else thinks or says.

7) She’s constantly apologizing

This one hits close to home. I used to be the kind of woman who would say sorry for everything, even when it wasn’t my fault. This constant need to apologize was a clear sign of my low self-respect.

Apologizing when you’ve done something wrong is a sign of maturity. However, when “I’m sorry” becomes a reflex for things that don’t warrant an apology, it’s a different story.

It’s as if you’re apologizing for your existence, for taking up space, or for having feelings. This kind of behavior can indicate that you don’t respect yourself enough to assert your right to exist without constantly feeling the need to apologize.

It took me a while to realize this and break the habit. Now, I understand my worth and know that I don’t have to apologize for being myself. And neither do you. You have every right to express your feelings, ask questions, and take up space without feeling the need to apologize.

8) She stays in toxic relationships

A toxic relationship can be with a partner, a friend, or even a family member. If a woman continually allows herself to be a part of such relationships, it’s a clear sign of low self-respect.

These relationships can be emotionally draining and often involve manipulation, control, or even abuse. Yet, she stays, often out of fear, guilt, or a misguided sense of loyalty.

It’s important to understand that everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect. If your relationship is causing you more pain than joy, it may be time to evaluate why you’re holding on.

Remember, letting go of toxic relationships isn’t about giving up or being weak. It’s about respecting yourself enough to say no to mistreatment. You deserve love and respect, always remember that.

9) She doesn’t believe in her worth

The most telling sign of low self-respect in a woman is when she doesn’t believe in her own worth. This can manifest in different ways, such as accepting less than she deserves, doubting her abilities, or constantly comparing herself to others.

Believing in your own worth is the cornerstone of self-respect. It’s about knowing that you are valuable, capable, and deserving of respect, love, and kindness.

Always remember that your worth is not defined by others. It’s defined by you and you alone. Believe in it. Stand up for it. Respect it.

Embracing self-respect

At the end of the day, self-respect is a deeply personal journey. It’s about valuing yourself, standing up for your rights, and not letting others define who you are or what you’re worth.

The American psychologist Abraham Maslow once said, “The story of the human race is the story of men and women selling themselves short.”

It’s a potent reminder of the importance of self-respect in our lives. Each of us has immeasurable value, and it’s imperative we recognize this.

If you see yourself in these behaviors, remember it’s never too late to change. It’s never too late to start valuing yourself more, to start setting boundaries, and to start believing in your worth.

Because ultimately, your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship in your life. And that relationship should be grounded in respect.

So take this moment to reflect: How are you treating yourself? Are you selling yourself short? Or are you embracing the respect that you inherently deserve?

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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