Guide to Personal Brand Building Using Kindle Publishing

Learn how to write and self-publish a book to build your personal brand with the help of Ryan Deiss’s Kindle Publishing Revolution.

Writing and publishing a book remains the best strategy for building your personal brand. Writing a book establishes you as an
expert in your field, instantly differentiating you from your competition and opening the door for new opportunities.

Writing and self-publishing can be the first step in building personal connections with clients, prospects, and influencers in your field. It also forms the basis of a strong press and social media strategy.

Writing a book worked for me, (see Personal Branding Helps Make Every Day Independence Day), it worked for the hundreds of author’s I’ve interviewed, and it can work for you…with one important difference…

Today, it’s easier than ever to write your way to a personal brand

The only thing that’s changed since I created my personal brand by writing my first book is that it’s become easier and easier to write and publish a book!

The trade publishing and bookstore gatekeepers have lost their stranglehold on publishing.

Today, there are just 2 requirements for successfully building your brand by writing and publishing:

  1. You have to write as efficiently as possible. You have to manage your time and avoid the traps that often trap the unwary, such as lack of planning, procrastination, failure to market, and the trap of perfectionism.
  2. You also have to leverage the latest technology. In particular, you have to take advantage of the latest self-publishing platforms, like ebook publishing with the the Amazon Kindle. You have to break the “bestseller” and bookstore” mindset.

Learning to be efficient

You can learn how to write as efficiently as possible for free, by reviewing the more than 100 articles and posts that are gathered together in my Author’s Corner posts on the Personal Branding Blog.

These cover every aspect of planning, writing, promoting, and profiting from writing and publishing books, based on my personal experiences and the hundreds of published authors I’ve interviewed. These posts describe the best practices for writing and publishing, as well as review the latest creativity and writing books, tools, and software.

Leveraging the latest technology

Best of all, you can get a fresh, up to the minute, perspective on ebook publishing using the Amazon Kindle for less than a dollar by ordering Ryan Deiss’s Kindle Publishing Revolution – Amazon Kindle Publishing Guide.

The Kindle Publishing Revolution does an excellent job of introducing:

  • The changes that have taken place in book publishing sparked by the Amazon Kindle, since as the fact that ebook sales now outnumber sales of print books
  • How to profit from current trends and reader preferences, i.e., ebook topics, length, and pricing
  • Strategies for profiting from ebook sales, including after-sales opportunities
  • Guidelines and tips for preparing and uploading ebooks for sale as Amazon Kindle ebooks

Ryan Deiss’ Kindle Publishing Revolution does an exceptional job of describing the context and implications of the Amazon Kindle.

Reading it will likely spark dozens of ideas for short, focused ebooks that you can write and publish to build your brand and drive traffic to your website.

What if you don’t own a Kindle?

Note, you–and your clients and prospects–don’t need to own a Kindle ebook reader to take read books published for the Kindle. offers Free Kindle Reader applications and software for iPhones, iPads, Android devices, BlackBerrys, as well as Macintosh computers and Windows computers.

Building your personal brand during revolutionary times

The Amazon Kindle has proven itself as a primary book publishing platform for personal brand building and business development.

Now is the time to learn more about how to create a personal branding strategy based on the Amazon Kindle. I encourage you use The Kindle Publishing Revolution as a starting point to writing and publishing an ebook to build your personal brand. If you’ve already read it, I welcome your comments.


Roger C. Parker invites you to download a free workbook, 99 Questions to Ask Before You Start to Write and share your questions and concerns about writing a book for personal branding success.

Picture of Roger Parker

Roger Parker

Roger C. Parker is an author, book coach, designer, consultant who works with authors, marketers, & business professionals to achieve success with brand-building writing & practical marketing strategy. He helps create successful marketing materials that look great & get results, and can turn any complex marketing or writing task into baby steps.


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