Future of Work: 4 Steps to Take Right Now

How can we use new digital tools to reframe the work-life debate rather than stress us out?

Is the tech boom fueling a new discussion about gender equality?

Do entrepreneurs have a duty to reinvent the employer/employee relationship for the 21st century?

These are some of the big questions we sought to address at the event I hosted with WNYC called “How Tech is Changing the Way Women Work” at the The Greene Space in Tribeca last week.

The entire session is a MUST-WATCH (or download from iTunes) if you or someone you know is looking to better integrate life with a career in the digital age. As a reader of this blog, you won’t be surprised that personal branding factored heavily in the discussion, which is for men and women, parents and singles, the tech savvy and not-so-savvy.

Check out these 4 easy things you can do RIGHT NOW, as suggested by my amazing panelists, to get yourself moving in the direction of a diverse, equitable, and happy community.

1. “Find 3 small things that you want to make part of your work-life fit this week, schedule them, and make them happen. You’ll see you have more control over your life than you thought,” said Cali Williams Yost, the CEO Flex+Strategy Group and author of Tweak It: Make What Matters to You Happen Every Day.

2. “The next time you go to an event and everybody looks like you, ask yourself why you are there,” challenged Stacy-Marie Ishmael of Percolate. Listen to her comments on diversity. They should not be missed.

3. “The next time someone asks you to speak, say ‘YES.’ And the next time you buy a toy for a girl, buy her something that she can make and build,” urged Jessica Lawrence, Executive Director of New York Tech MeetUp. She told a touching story of an 8 yr old girl decked out in pink, showing off the robot she built. Girly and tech-savvy can go hand-in-hand.

4. Marie C. Wilson, founder of The White House Project and Take Our Daughters to Work Day said, “In the next 24 hours, call some woman you think should be involved in this area and tell her you were thinking of her,” when you watched this panel discussion.


Manoush Zomorodi is the host of WNYC’s New Tech City and the author of Camera Ready: How to Present Yourself and Ideas On Air or Online. Download the show on iTunes, get the book on Amazon or iBooks, and follow her on Twitter @manoushz. She also blogs at manoushz.com/blog and for The Huffington Post.

Picture of Manoush Zomorodi

Manoush Zomorodi


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