What Does Your Cubicle Decor Say About You
Maybe you don’t realize but just as your clothes and body language, your office cubicle decor says a lot about your personality. Since you spend around 40 hours a week in your cubicle, it is like your second home and therefore, it reflects your lifestyle and character. Believe it or not, your coworkers and bosses …
5 Smartt Tips for College Students
Getting the right job when you’re done with college starts during college. You’re competing against your college grads for those jobs! How do you secure the job you want and beat the competition? Here are my top 5 recommendations to get that job offer. SMARTT TIPS!
During college, work!…How You Can Profit From Being Kind
The single most important aspect of business is the finesse you exhibit when you are with your “audience.” In coaching and teaching communication leadership, I often remind learners to “be kind to your audience.” And I constantly remind them to, “Take responsibility for your audience’s experience of you.”
Who is your audience? Everyone around you.…
Motivational Songs for Your Career
Everybody can have tough days because building a career is a long journey which is full of challenges and problems. Therefore, sometimes we need some motivation and listening to inspirational songs is a great way to motivate and energize ourselves. Below you can find some of them with their motivational lyrics.
Unwritten – Natasha Bedingfield:…Small Business Customer Service and the Minimum Wage
Conservative and progressive economists continue to debate the impact on small businesses of increasing the minimum wage.
Conservative and progressive politicians continue to argue the issue to chart their political futures.
While they all drone on, a significant number of low wage employees struggle to make ends meet while being asked to bring a positive …
Phrases You Should Avoid Using at Work
Many employees use buzzwords at work. While they may think using these phrases will make them seem smarter, it is actually the opposite. These phrases are often annoying and meaningless. Also, they may hurt your credibility at work. If you want to move up the career ladder, you should be careful about how you speak …
4 Behaviors of High Performers
Anyone willing to pay the price can be a success. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of society is married to the status-quo. They want what was, not what can be. They believe that their intelligence, their personality and physical aptitudes are fixed.
This mindset hinders their ability to generate revenue, solve problems and create opportunities.
Conversely, …
What to Do with Labor Day Blues
Going back to work after the Labor Day holiday brings up all kinds of feelings. It’s evocative of going back to school, after summer vacation. It’s the return to normal. Normal is not necessarily a good thing.
The workplace is a lot like high school. It’s fraught with angst about being in or out, being …
How Music Affects Your Productivity
While listening to music helps cut down the background noise in the office, it can also be a distraction and may prevent you fully concentrate on the task that you are working on. Many people see listening to music as a method of spicing up their boring day to day routine. Although studies show that …
How to Turn a Bad Job into a Good Job
Have you recently gone from no job to a bad job?
A lot of people have emerged from their parents’ basement. They are dressed for work that they loathe. You know why. The crazy boss. Lazy coworkers. Angry customers. Too many meetings. Not enough freedom. The air conditioning is too cold. Someone steals your lunch …