Category: Workplace Success

Brand Yourself AsRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

What Does Your Cubicle Decor Say About You

Maybe you don’t realize but just as your clothes and body language, your office cubicle decor says a lot about your personality. Since you spend around 40 hours a week in your cubicle, it is like your second home and therefore, it reflects your lifestyle and character. Believe it or not, your coworkers and bosses …

Career ResourcesInterviewJob SearchLifestyle & Habit BuildingRelationships & Personal GrowthWorkplace Success

5 Smartt Tips for College Students


Getting the right job when you’re done with college starts during college. You’re competing against your college grads for those jobs!  How do you secure the job you want and beat the competition?  Here are my top 5 recommendations to get that job offer.  SMARTT TIPS!

During college, work!…
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Communication & NetworkingSocial MediaWorkplace Success

How You Can Profit From Being Kind

The single most important aspect of business is the finesse you exhibit when you are with your “audience.” In coaching and teaching communication leadership, I often remind learners to “be kind to your audience.” And I constantly remind them to, “Take responsibility for your audience’s experience of you.”

Who is your audience? Everyone around you.…

Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Motivational Songs for Your Career

Everybody can have tough days because building a career is a long journey which is full of challenges and problems. Therefore, sometimes we need some motivation and listening to inspirational songs is a great way to motivate and energize ourselves.  Below you can find some of them with their motivational lyrics.

Unwritten – Natasha Bedingfield:…
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Communication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSkill DevelopmentWorkplace Success

Phrases You Should Avoid Using at Work

Many employees use buzzwords at work. While they may think using these phrases will make them seem smarter, it is actually the opposite. These phrases are often annoying and meaningless. Also, they may hurt your credibility at work. If you want to move up the career ladder, you should be careful about how you speak …

Communication & NetworkingLifestyle & Habit BuildingReputation ManagementWorkplace Success

4 Behaviors of High Performers

Anyone willing to pay the price can be a success. Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of society is married to the status-quo. They want what was, not what can be. They believe that their intelligence, their personality and physical aptitudes are fixed.

This mindset hinders their ability to generate revenue, solve problems and create opportunities.

Conversely, …