Category: Reputation Management

We are ineffectual and inauthentic when "packaged." Branding is essential, but it's not always right. Be honest, accurate, and personal.
Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Branding Is…Bad?

We are ineffectual and inauthentic when “packaged.” Branding is essential, but it’s not always right. Be honest, accurate, and personal.

Why would personal branding be bad? After all, it’s a standard business practice to curate and share a specific version of oneself.

Sheryl Sandberg, author and Facebook COO, answered questions about personal branding in work. …

LinkedIn is a great way to network and attract recruiters. Digital marketing recruiters and hiring managers alike typically use LinkedIn.
Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Online Branding: Your LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn is a great way to network and attract recruiters. Digital marketing recruiters and hiring managers alike typically use LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a great way to network and attract recruiters. Digital marketing recruiters and hiring managers alike use LinkedIn. As do discerning consumers of all stripes.

For instance, a strong LinkedIn profile can help you …

In a world where companies fight for attention, establishing a brand reputation that stands out is a top responsibility for entrepreneurs.
Relationships & Personal GrowthReputation Management

Brand vs. Reputation

In a world where companies fight for attention, establishing a brand reputation that stands out is a top responsibility for entrepreneurs.

Personal branding is still an essential factor that requires careful consideration to attract a target audience. Business owners must create a consistent presence with the brand’s goal, reputation, and fundamental values to influence the …